Letters to the Editor
Editor, Times have sure changed. Twenty-years-ago, it seems like anytime you made a purchase back then you would get a sincere “thank you” from the person you made the purchase from. Today, in Lake County, it seems like getting a simple thank you is getting harder to come by. For example, when we are checked out by an employee that is older and has been working for a few years, we almost always get a thank you; however, if we are checked out by employees who are newer, especially younger, we very rarely get a thank you. I would say in the last three years I have only gotten a thank you two or three times from the younger employees. Evidently, the own...
Editor, I just have to join in on this election season. There have been so many of those vote cards arriving every day for months. I am sure many people are having a problem with them. The garbage can in the post office gets full every day as box holders discard them. Let’s look at another side to t...
Editor, A Canadian friend from Cranbrook sent me a copy of the following from the newspaper he reads, Ledger Dispatch. I thought it was good food for thought. “Freedom to not wear a mask” by Libby Jones for the Ledger Dispatch: “We trust you to make your own choices if you want ...
Editor, As I listen to the 24/7 news, I am struck by how critical the media, generally, is that the Republicans, in positions of leadership, are not speaking out against Trump. To me, it seems that these elected legislators are simply wanting to save their own skin. Trump rules by fear, anger and...
Editor, This letter is a “thank you” to Kim our letter carrier in Mission. On any given day, we receive eight to 10 political ads, plus our regular mail. On this particular day, we received 16. This is unbelievable, and the assault on our postal service is ridiculous. Our postal service ...
Editor, To my Republican friends: I support family values; I’m voting for decency, respect, compassion and honesty. I align with smaller government. I’m voting for women’s rights in healthcare decisions. I agree with lowering taxes for middle and low income workers; I disagree with ta...
Editor, I am writing in response to a letter published Oct. 14 by Dayna McClure regarding the Drain the Swamp, Vote Republican sign. McClure is confused and he is also mistaken. The sign has nothing to do with Super One Foods. It is on Scenic Lane with approval from all of the Scenic Lane ...
Editor, Dan Salomon, candidate for re-election to the Montana State Senate in SD47, continues to serve the people of his district and the State of Montana with distinction. He has served as chairman of the Senate Education Committee, vice-chair of the House Business and Labor Committee, vice-chair of the ...
Editor, In the 10/14/20 issue of the Valley Journal there was a letter to the editor from Dayna McClure about a “Drain the Swamp” sign. The writer claimed this sign was on Super 1 Foods property, that is not correct just as it was not correct in 2016. This sign, although close to one of our en...
Editor, The Chief Cliff Volunteer Fire Department and QRU would like to thank everyone who contributed prizes and goods, purchased raffle tickets and gave of their time and energy to help make Dayton Daze another huge success. Although the number of event-goers was down due to COVID-19, those who did a...