Polson, Montana
Community Profile
Polson, located at the base of Flathead Lake, 70 miles North of Missoula and 51 miles South of Kalispell, is Lake County’s seat and has a total population of 4,488.*
School District 23 Schools:
Cherry Valley Elementary school (grades K-1), Linderman Elementary School (grades 2-4), Polson Middle School (grades 5-8), Polson High School (grades 9-12), Valley View (grades K-6), Dayton Elementary School (grades K-6)
Mission Valley Christian Academy (grades K-12)
St. Joseph Hospital
North Lake County Public Library
Polson City Commission meetings are the first and third Mondays of the month at 7 p.m. at City Hall.
* population according to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2005-09 American Community Survey
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Current Events
Friday, January 17
Join the climate conversation - Mother Goose returns to library
Saturday, January 18
Second weekly ‘Story Time’ held