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Letters to the Editor

Voter registration procedures could change

Editor, The right to vote is under attack across the United States, and in Montana, one form of it is going against what the voters in 2014 clearly affirmed in a referendum. House Bill 176 would end same-day voter registration that has been law since 2005 and close late, in-person registration by 5 p.m. on the Friday before Election Day. The bill is due to be heard in the Senate Administration committee on Feb. 17 – having already passed in the House. It is more than likely going to pass in the Republican dominated Senate and signed into law by Republican Governor Gianforte. Supporters cite the chance to stop voter fraud. Just how much voter fraud has Montana endured? It s...

Choose unity over division

Editor, I’m almost ashamed to be a fourth generation Montanan. I grew up with the belief that everyone had the right to personal liberty, earned by personal responsibility.  Now, I’m seeing “every man for himself.” I’m seeing too many people choosing to stomp hard on ...

Bread Basket thanks public

Editor, The Bread Basket Board would like to thank the over 225 individuals, families, businesses and foundations that helped support the Bread Basket in 2020.  Strife can bring out the best or worst in people, and in this area of Western Montana, people really came through for the hungry, food ch...

Peaceably shows up twice

Editor,  Accountability can sometimes take longer than we want, but I bet we will know a lot more by 2022. Uncomfortable facts and awkward alliances are being exposed to the light of truth and, hopefully, coming to a neighborhood near you. Montanans have long held a fundamental belief in personal ...

SB65 disagreement shared

Editor,  Senate Bill 65, an act to revise civil liability law, setting conditions on civil actions for exposure to COVID-19, is being promoted as a new law to protect business from frivolous COVID-19 lawsuits; however, professional testimony in Helena confirmed zero frivolous lawsuits in Montana over...

Wage increases questioned

Editor, Most state agency directors appointed by Gov. Greg Gianforte are getting paid at substantially higher salaries than their predecessors under the Bullock administration – some as much as 46 percent more. Public Health and Human Services: $165,000 – a 46 percent increase. Commerce: $1...

HB102 should be opposed due to safety

Editor, We should oppose HB102, An Act Generally Revising Gun Laws. Astonishingly, this bill would allow people to carry a concealed firearm without a permit in most places. Those with permits would be allowed to carry in state and local government offices and restaurants and other places where alcohol is...

Unity is complicated due to human nature

Editor,  When politicians call for an end to discord and for a new unity, it reminds me of an old story. A person was lamenting, “There is too much dissension. Why don’t the Christians join together with the Hindus, and the Muslims join with the Jews, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses joi...

Guns on campus is a reckless idea

Editor,  I am opposed to House Bill 102. It would allow the possession of firearms on the campuses of the Montana State University system. It is reckless to consider this change that adds firearms to college campuses.   This bill threatens our vulnerable young people and others. Suicide is th...

Conspiracy theories don’t help

Editor,  It is time that we as citizens of the United States get out of conspiracy land, including: 1. Joe Biden won by seven-million votes. 2. There is no legal proof of election fraud. 3. Our leaders, Steve Daines and Matt Rosendale, need to acknowledge that Biden won. 4. To not acknowledge the fac...

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