ARLEE — Heidi Huber, a fourth grade homeschool student from Bigfork, took first place at the Lake County Spelling Bee by spelling “anthropology” and “liturgy” correctly. Held in the old Arlee High School gym on Thursday, Feb. 6, the event marks the 60th Lake County Spelling Bee, and the 100th National Spelling Bee. Some 30 students, grades 4-8 gathered from all over the Valley to showcase their spelling skills in pursuit of victory. Competition was fierce, as one-by-one, students stepped up to the microphone to spell words like “puniness,” “parroting,” and “onyx.” Twelve students were eliminated in the...
POLSON - AARP Tax Preparation Assistance registration begins now. You must make a reservation. Available appointment times begin at 10 a.m. and go until 3 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays only. A full-time or part-time Executive Assistant/Nutrition Director is wanted at the Polson Senior Center. Apply at ...

HOT SPRINGS — Canon fire heralded the start of the 13th annual Lunar New Year parade held last Saturday in Hot Springs. Also known as the Chinese New Year, the Lunar New Year officially began on Wednesday, Jan. 29. Saturday’s parade participants dressed in brightly colored animal costumes repr...

The right to private property is one of the fundamental aspects of life in America, and the Constitution makes sure to establish this. Following that example, the drafters of Montana’s State Constitution included safeguards for private property as well, with ownership and protection of property appeari...
POLSON — Saint Valentine is honored on Feb. 14. He was granted sainthood by the church. Greeting cards and floral companies have been making money because of his actions ever since commercialism became popular. Look him up. He was a brave soul. Support your local library. He hasn’t been removed f...

PABLO – Dr. Frank Tyro’s bear adventures began over 40 years ago with the non-profit organization The Great Bear Foundation in an effort to conserve habitats for bears around the world. Tyro hosted a community gathering on Tuesday, Jan. 21, at the Salish Kootenai College theater to share what ...
ST. IGNATIUS — Hello everyone. Did you know that your head loses the most body heat? Wearing a hat in cold weather helps to retain body heat, keeps you warm, and prevents hypothermia. Upcoming events: Wool Felting class – Feb. 7 at 2 p.m. – free will offering Bingo – S...
POLSON - We continue to provide weekday lunches for seniors and the needy in our community. This year our meals served per week continues to grow in unprecedented numbers. We thank our employees and volunteers for their hard work and dedication. We thank all our members, our community and government ag...

News from Jennifer Guse, Flathead Land Trust MISSION VALLEY — A vital wildlife haven in the Mission Valley was protected on Jan. 17 through a conservation easement with Flathead Land Trust. This easement serves as a crucial link, connecting the Mission Mountain Wilderness to a vast network of over...
POLSON - We continue to provide weekday lunches for seniors and the needy in our community. This year our meals served per week continues to grow in unprecedented numbers. We thank our employees and volunteers for their hard work and dedication. We thank all our members, our community and government agencies...