Contact the Valley Journal
The Valley Journal newspaper (PE 23-190) is published weekly by Valley Journal LLC. Periodicals postage paid at Ronan, MT. Business hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Distribution is by mail subscription ($59 per year in Lake County, MT; $74 per year elsewhere in U.S.) and by newsstand sales. Postmaster: send address changes to Valley Journal, P.O. Box 326, Ronan, MT. 59864.
Your homegrown newspaper serves residents of Lake County and the Flathead Indian Reservation.
Deadline for display advertising is 2 p.m. Thursday. Deadline for news submissions, calendar items, classifieds and legal advertising is noon Friday, for the following week’s newspaper.
News, letters to the editor and calendar submissions may be sent by email to: . Classified and legal advertisements requests should be emailed to: .
All print subscriptions include full access to online news, archives. Sign up online at:
For general inquiries: call 406-676-8989, email , or send mail correspondence to P.O. Box 326, Ronan, MT 59864.
Valley Journal Staff

Summer Goddard

Boone Goddard
Advertising Manager, Owner

Kathi Beeks
Copy Editor

Taylor Davison

Leni Baker