Sign was set up by locals
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I am writing in response to a letter published Oct. 14 by Dayna McClure regarding the Drain the Swamp, Vote Republican sign. McClure is confused and he is also mistaken.
The sign has nothing to do with Super One Foods. It is on Scenic Lane with approval from all of the Scenic Lane residents. The reference “drain the swamp” is aimed at decades of political corruption and political operatives, many of whom have even been exposed in recent days/weeks.
Pay-to-play, blackmail and extortion, sedition, treason, weaponizing federal institutions (IRS, FBI, courts, etc.) and fomenting war are just some examples.
To learn the facts of such corruption, tune out the alphabet networks and tune into Newsmax and America’s Voice. I look forward to President Donald Trump’s reelection, his continued efforts in exposing and draining the D.C. swamp and the restoration of our constitutional republic.
Dick Matejovsky