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Letters to the Editor

People can grow stronger

Editor,  From a most interesting psychological point of view, Donald Trump has attracted many followers by constantly preaching and teaching the worst of human traits. Four of these traits are anger, fear, attack and blaming others.     We see in the first trait, anger, a feeling we all experience at times. The second trait, fear, we see now, especially in many of our legislative personnel in government. Number three, attack, is often a behavioral tendency. Number four, blaming others, is what especially attracts so many people to the Trump base.    We all have parts of our selves we don’t really like, and blaming others for these things takes us off ...

Call for irrigation commissioner resignations

Editor,  On Nov. 24, 2020 Johanna Clark, a former employee of the then Flathead Joint Board of Control, was sentenced in federal court to prison for one year and a day and subjected to a large fine for embezzling over $200,000 from the FJBC during a three-year period from May 2014 to May 2017.  ...

Love is in our hearts

Editor, It was Christmas season and Joey was busy making cards for everyone in his class. His mother was happy to see her little boy so joyful, but she was worried that the other children would not remember to give a card  to Joey. You see, Joey was a little slower than the rest of the kids, and he w...

Grand Old Party is busy

Editor,  I miss my late Uncle Bill for many reasons – his kindness, sense of humor, the way he embraced his large, sprawling family, regardless of race, religion or politics.  And I’m especially missing his wisdom and common sense these days, when his Grand Old Party is busy tryin...

Power outage quickly fixed

Editor, On Wednesday, Dec. 2, while working at my computer, I heard a pop and lost power. We called a couple of neighbors and they both had electricity. I then called Mission Valley Power and talked with, if I remember correctly, Josie.  She was extraordinarily helpful with a very positive and upl...

Pied piper needs a name

Editor,  Natural energy starts with the sun rising to create planetary income, and then, plants grow and expend leaves to create planetary spending. Surplus energy is saved within the roots to create planetary savings.  The point is that income, spending and savings on a planetary scale, is simp...

Saying thanks to courageous clerks

Editor, John Meinder wanting store clerks to say “Thanks” to him (Valley Journal, Nov. 11) is hovering around what could be a good idea, but he misses a couple of important points. Why punish the clerk and the business? What about the responsibility of the customer? Here’s another perspe...

Friend lost to COVID-19

Editor, I lost a friend to COVID-19 yesterday.  She was young and should have had many more years. Have you lost a friend or family member to COVID-19? Is someone in your family COVID-19 positive? I hope not. It’s a terrible time. If we look back to World War II, people joined together, r...

Appropriate traffic merging protocol offered

Editor,  People seem not to know what it means when a right lane is ending and they have to merge into the left lane.  When the right lane is ending, it does not mean to speed up into a gap that is barely big enough for your car and to make the traffic slow down as you cut the other car off t...

Reasons listed for election results

Editor, Having graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from a mid-western college in 1953 but with no professional standing, I feel comfortable sharing my views.   After months of absorbing numerous news broadcasts and articles from both Republican and Democratic sources concerning ...

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