Letters to the Editor
Editor, The federal water compact legislation provides the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes with $90 million a year over the next ten years, beginning this year, to rehabilitate and modernize our broken-down irrigation project. Because rehabilitation and modernization will have an impact on the project’s operation and maintenance, and vice versa, it will be important for project management to work closely with the tribe. From 2010 to 2013, the project was well managed by the Flathead Joint Board of Control and the CSKT Cooperative Management Entity, but conflicts among irrigators forced the Bureau of Indian Affairs to resume project management in 2014. ...
Editor, We are writing to thank the Knight family for putting the memorial donations for their daughter and granddaughter Adriana toward the purchase of a lovely gazebo on the Lake County Fair Grounds, in Ronan, in her honor. Others in our community also donated time and money to complete ...
Editor, We are extremely concerned by the speed with which the House has rushed through HB102 (campus conceal carry) and encourage the Senate legislators to slow down and heed the concerns of the Montana University System. Sponsor Representative Berglee believes the Second Amendment supersedes a...
Editor, Why did Governor Gianforte decide not to honor the service of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick who was killed during the insurrection on Jan. 6? Sicknick gave his life to protect members of Congress, of which Gianforte recently was a member. Of any of our Governors across the ...
Editor, A nice article about the vote coming up for the resort tax and of course the picture of the needing repair roadway (in last week’s Valley Journal). What came to mind for me: I don’t think it will really matter. In my experience and in the articles I have read about the thousan...
Editor, Why has Superman’s motto stayed in the public’s heart for so long? Because it’s good; it’s something we want to believe in. Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Truth is that Joe Biden won the presidential election. Multiple recounts and analysis of votin...
Editor, HB 102, the “campus carry” law, would expand the number of locations where concealed handguns may be carried, including on college campuses. It expressly prohibits the Montana Board of Regents from passing prohibitions to concealed carry. Additionally, voters approved a legisl...
Editor, The residents of Polson will soon be voting on a resort sales tax of three percent on many goods that we purchase every day. Most of this tax will be paid by residents of Polson and not tourists. As a legislator, I believe that Polson does not meet the requirement to be designated a...
Editor, The residents of Polson will soon be voting on a resort sales tax of three percent on many goods that we purchase every day. Most of this tax will be paid by residents of Polson and not tourists. As a legislator, I believe that Polson does not meet the requirement to be designated a...
Editor, We are writing to show our deepest appreciation for the outstanding work done by the Mission Valley Power line crews and support staff during Wednesday’s powerful windstorm. In this and in other power emergencies through the years, line crews respond professionally and as quickly as is...