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Most state agency directors appointed by Gov. Greg Gianforte are getting paid at substantially higher salaries than their predecessors under the Bullock administration – some as much as 46 percent more.

Public Health and Human Services: $165,000 – a 46 percent increase. Commerce: $160,000, a 41 percent increase. Administration: $145,000, a 28 percent increase. Corrections: $144,000, a 27 percent increase. Environmental Quality: $130,000, a 15 percent increase. Fish, Wildlife and Parks: $130,000, a 15 percent increase. Labor & Industry: $130,000, a 15 percent increase. Natural Resources and Conservation: $130,000, a 15 percent increase. Revenue: $130,000, a 15 percent increase.

Gianforte directed each director to find efficiencies within their respective budgets, with the savings going to help fund their higher salaries. I wonder if the efficiencies they will find will be letting go two or more of the ‘little people’ or reduce the programs serving more Montanans than a few select directors.

Suz Rittenhouse 


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