Polson seniors for Feb. 26 2025
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A significant amount of funding for the nutrition program comes from the local Area VI Council on Aging. They are reliant upon Montana State funding and funding from the Federal Government. The State and Federal governments are considering drastically cutting funding for all nutrition programs, including schools. Remember who you voted for and call them. Yes, your vote does matter, but sometimes not as you intended.
AARP Tax Preparation Assistance mandatory pre-registration begins now.
Try reading more and stay away from TV and cell phone garbage. Reading is fun, inexpensive, and brain healthy.
Activities: (brain-healthy)
- Bowling: “no-tap” Tuesdays 1-3 p.m. Join any time.
- Wednesday Play Day: card, board, dominoes, Yahtzee, etc. Invite a foursome.
- VSO (Veterans Service Officer:) first Friday and third Tuesday of each month -9 a.m. -Noon. Walk-ins OK.
- Spinning Wheelers: first Tuesday of each month (March 5) 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 208-520-1013
- Bingo: Fridays - open 5:30 p.m. - play 6 p.m.; “Playing-Card” Bingo begins the first Wednesday of each month.
- Exercise: sitting, standing or dancing - M-W-F, 10:30– 11:30a. - video-assisted -low impact. Move it or lose it.
- Pinochle: Thursdays and Mondays 12:15-3 p.m. We play 3, 4 or 5 handed. Late arrivals OK.
- Pool: open table from 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
MENU (subject to change) lunch $5 donation) from 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, Feb. 26: taco salad in a bowl, sour cream, salsa, Frito salad, lemon bars
- Thursday, Feb. 27: Carolina hot dog (with slaw), chips, spaghetti salad, chocolate pudding
- Friday, Feb. 28: birthday dinner for lunch - roast pork with all the fixings, dessert and door prizes
- Monday, March 3: cheese soup, sandwich, rice pudding, 5-cup salad
- Tuesday, March 4: lasagna, garlic bread, cream corn, green salad, vanilla pudding
- Wednesday, March 5: baked chicken, potatoes and gravy, honey carrots, cottage cheese, peach