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SB65 disagreement shared

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Senate Bill 65, an act to revise civil liability law, setting conditions on civil actions for exposure to COVID-19, is being promoted as a new law to protect business from frivolous COVID-19 lawsuits; however, professional testimony in Helena confirmed zero frivolous lawsuits in Montana over COVID-19 exposure currently exist. 

In my view, SB65 eliminates free-market solutions, free assembly and free speech. It ushers in a new authority under the guise of “public health guidance,” which includes guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Medicare, Medicaid, Occupational Safety and Heath Administration, the governor, a state agency and local government, including health departments or local board of health.  

By default, SB65 aims to impose a medical police state. Essentially, everybody must play along to get along or potentially face civil liability. A burden that currently does not exist. Free-market enterprise is the appropriate mechanism to properly allocate resources. 

The free-market consumer-driven healthcare experience has been replaced by a government sponsored COVID-19 non free-market experience. When is the last time you had an exceptional non-urgent medical procedure? But wait, it gets better. Sections one, four and five incentivize potential medical malpractice by providing civil liability immunity to COVID-19 healthcare providers and manufacturers. A vote for SB65 is a vote to continue government induced domestic terrorism through anti free-market medical tyranny. Free-market enterprise is being destroyed, on purpose. Get involved, call the governor at 406-444-3111 and oppose SB65.

David Passieri

St. Ignatius

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