Letters to the Editor
Editor, On returning home to Polson, as I approached the Polson Hill on Hwy 93, I saw a disturbing red, white and blue billboard on the west side of the highway which stated “Forced Vaccines? My Body, My Choice. No Fear...Vax Off!” Is this any way to welcome everyone to our community of “heart and soul?” I think not. Dana McClure Polson
Editor, There is a lot of talk about “Saving our Democracy.” My son told me about an especially significant article in Atlantic Magazine by Burton Gellman, a journalist and bestselling author. The article’s opening: “Trump’s next coup has already begun. January 6 was p...
Editor, As Congress deliberates voting rights, we should remind our representatives of just how bad things were in a “United” States that was segregated. I grew up, many decades ago, in Jim Crow Texas. My father was a schoolteacher with five children, but, because African Americans commanded i...
Editor, Good job Bob McClellan. I hope we see more letters like this. I hope we see more letters like this. We need the laughs and not all the depressing letters. Let’s lighten this year up. Last year was bad enough. Ethel McCready Missoula
Editor, When I first moved to Montana, decades ago, I was impressed with the level of friendly debate between friends and neighbors - something I did not often see in the state I came from. Sadly, with the extraordinary stressors that we have today, many of us are circling the wagons, thinking of others a...
Editor, Here is some “fun stuff” I came across. Do you ever wonder: - Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin? - Why is ‘abbreviated’ such a long word? - Why is it that doctors call what they do ‘practice’? &nbs...
Editor, Looking back over the past year, I see the work that Senator Jon Tester has done. I thank him. He’s helped to secure disaster relief to farmers and ranchers who face drought, get federal money for MT and local school districts to procure domestically produced food during supp...
Editor, I subscribe to your paper to receive local news. The article from Peace Voice makes me think you are getting away from local to a globalist view paper. Your readers need to know that Peace Voice is a globalist “peace” organization out of Portland Oregon. A town where they can&...
Editor, Picked up our weekly edition of the VJ today and was reminded of a conversation with some friends and acquaintances last week over coffee. I was asking about something in that VJ edition, and one response was - we don’t bother with the news. Knowing they watch OAN I would have to agree with ...
Editor, As small as Ronan is I never thought a neighbor would steal. I’m 80 years old, on very low social security. My dear childhood friend lives in Ronan, on 4th Avenue SW. She too is alone and elderly. On the 6th of this month, post office left a package on her porch never to be seen again. It wa...