Disagree peacefully
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Picked up our weekly edition of the VJ today and was reminded of a conversation with some friends and acquaintances last week over coffee. I was asking about something in that VJ edition, and one response was - we don’t bother with the news. Knowing they watch OAN I would have to agree with them.
I guess that is not unlike the current fad of forcing school districts to remove books with certain subjects from their library. If it is not what you want/believe/think/do etc. ban it from everyone. Our kids will never find out, right?
What would our world look like... uhm, maybe that is exactly what our world will look like if, as Bob would say, “we the people” allow short sighted and selfish, insecure people to control how we all should live. Oops, now I am thinking of our current State Legislature making determinations and passing laws that are based on their own prejudices and less on the American ideals that we are a free nation with disagreements, opinions, beliefs, likes and dislikes and except for last January, have a way to find peaceful ways to disagree.
My fear is that like Germany, Italy, Russia, and many other countries, we see, and our courts are allowing, the loud angry voices working to destroy our own free voting rights.
How far this trend goes and how it changes America, only a future history will record.
Richard Bell