Letters to the Editor
Editor, Flathead Irrigation irrigators, a few weeks ago you were sent a letter from the Montana DNRC about filing water rights according to the CSKT compact. Be careful what you sign, remember that all three irrigation districts filed irrigation, pumping, and stock water rights on March 20, 1982, two weeks before the deadline of April 1, 1982. The BIA magically copied and filed these same water rights in two weeks, and got them to Helena before the deadline. Have you ever seen the BIA do anything in two weeks? The BIA filings are on top of the districts’ filings, which means the districts filed first. A year or so back you were asked to file water rights on springs, creeks, and wel...
Editor, The world is in a mess. I list some examples. See what you think of the solution. Saturday morning on CNN with Michael Smerconishm had a segment based on the review of a book by John Mowhorter. “Woke Racism, How a new religion has betrayed black America.” More racism to ...
Editor, Are we now living in a banana republic? It started with a dubious election last November and a spineless Supreme Court that refused to even look at the evidence of voter fraud that 70 million people believe occurred. For the past nine months we have observed one crisis after another instigated by ...
Editor, Our U.S. Senate Republicans are striking at the heart and core of our democracy through their repetitive assaults on our freedom to vote. Our right and privilege to vote in the United States of America is at the core of our democracy. We count. Every single registered voter provides the bedrock of...
Editor, Montana; tops in COVID, bottom in vaccinations. What a record, mostly because people don’t want to be told what to do. Cost in lives and money because people don’t want to wear a mask or get a shot? Schools are opening and closing, not providing online learning. I have followed the sto...
Editor, Senator Steve Daines is holding the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BSCA) hostage. The BCSA, a bill introduced by Senator John Tester, intends to strengthen public land protection while ensuring public access to outdoor recreation and the economic advantages to the Montana economy that follo...
Editor, I received a copy of the Valley Journal in the mail dated 0ct. 20, 2021 here in Tucson, Arizona. I was pleasantly surprised with your front page featuring my esteemed friend Jim Manley. Excellent article about a great Montanan and a greater American. Mr. Manley and I go ...
Editor, The Fish and Wildlife Service recently released its Draft Environmental Assessment regarding new facilities to be built in the valley. The document titled “New Northwest Montana Wetland Management District Administrative Facilities” can be found on the FWS website. The FWS seems set on...
Editor, Senator John Tester is in support of the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BCSA), as are many Montanans and Missoulians. This bill is intended to expand protections to the headwaters of the Blackfoot and Clearwater Rivers, while improving and expanding outdoor recreation areas for the public. ...
Editor, Several recent letters have questioned Greg Hertz’s guest column concerning corporate tax laws. Simply put, corporate taxes are taxes that the federal government imposes on profits made by corporations. In 2017, under then President Trump, the corporate rate dropped from 35% to 21%. Since...