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Letters to the Editor

Consider the PSC

Editor, I am voting for Joe Dooling for the Public Service Commission. We don’t pay much attention to the Public Service Commission (PSC) race, but it will be on our ballet in June.  Their website states “The PSC’s job to balance the interests of ratepayers who are concerned about utility rate increases, with the need to maintain a financially sound utility that is capable of providing reliable service. PSC generally regulates private, investor-owned natural gas, electric, telephone, water and private sewer companies doing business in Montana. In addition, the PSC regulates certain kinds of motor carriers, including garbage trucks and passenger motor carriers...

Wear your regalia

Editor,  We, the below signed members of the State-Tribal Relations Committee, the Montana Legislature’s liaison with tribal governments, write to congratulate Montana high school and postsecondary graduates and their deservingly proud families. Way to go! We extend our deep gratitude to the...

Consider the option

Editor, Many politicians say they want to work on behalf of all Montanans. But when the rubber meets the road, somehow those words never translate to action. That is what makes Cora Neumann different. Cora has worked tirelessly to get out and support not just Montana cities and businesses, but also our ru...

Check the facts

Editor, We have a billboard outside of St. Ignatius. On one side, it says, “Zinke for Public Lands,” and on the other it says, “Zinke, Montana’s SEAL.” We don’t have laws restricting misrepresentations and lies in political speech. Candidates may say what they like -...

Think positively

Editor, Human nature, being what it is, our nation and our world have surely fallen into a ‘habit thinking pattern’ of divisiveness, negative attitudes, and wars. This is a very clear and present danger. We have answers to this.  Let’s be very clear about one thing: our thinking ...

Endorsement given

Editor,  I am honored to publicly support Don Bell’s reelection campaign for Sheriff of Lake County. Having known and worked with Don for more than thirty years, I can state without hesitation that he is exactly the person Lake County needs for Sheriff. During my thirty-five years in law enf...

Choral society says thanks

Editor, “Many hands make light work” rings true for the creation and deliverance of “The Awakening” Mission Valley Choral Society concerts held on Palm Sunday weekend. No more than four specific names can be used here, so a general thank you follows. Thank you to Mission Valley ...

Take a break

Amid all the negativity we are reading in the news these days, take-a-break with these: A guy walks into a lumber yard and asks for some two-by-fours. The clerk asks, “How long do you need them?” The man answers, “A long time. We’re gonna build a house.” The students walk ...

Call for judicial diversity

We expect a great deal from our Supreme Court - that justices apply the law rigorously, but with a broad understanding of what their decisions mean to individuals and society. It is the need for this broad, wise understanding that makes diversity on the bench so important. None of us, however intelligent and...

Thanks to all who came to club sale

Editor, The Valley View Women’s club would like to thank you so much to everyone who donated to our sale, people who attended the sale, and the women’s club members who set up and took down and helped at the sale.  The people who donated were very generous.  Our sale was a huge succe...

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