Letters to the Editor
Editor, Make no mistake: opposition to legal abortion is about controlling women, taking women’s rights away, and imposing religious law. If we follow this anti-abortion movement to its logical conclusion, women will be compelled to have babies and will lose the autonomy and equality they have worked so hard to achieve. Women have worked hard for equal rights in this country, but it’s become clear to me how precarious rights are. They can be taken away in a moment. Women only got the right to have their own credit card without their husband’s signature in 1974. Many who oppose legal abortion cite their religion. One of the founding principles of this country is th...
Editor, I’m appalled by the fact that an 18-year-old can just walk into a gun shop and buy two A-15 assault rifles, then walk into a elementary school and barricades himself in a classroom of innocent children, and start shooting to kill 19 children and two adults - well three, if you count the gun ...
Editor, I just voted in the 2022 state primary, like many civic-minded Montanans. I was utterly dismayed to learn that my “write-in” section of the ballot doesn’t count. I filled in all my choices on my ballot. When it came to the “write-in” section, I chose to write-in ca...
Editor, America has an emergency: a nationwide shortage of baby formula. The U.S. Congress voted on a bill to address it by boosting inspections of foreign and domestic suppliers of infant formula to increase the supply, so that in U.S. grocery stores parents can be assured that what they buy to feed thei...
Editor, I read where Clarence Thomas voiced his opinion that public trust in the Supreme Court has become voided because of the recent proposed decision to curtail or end the right to a woman’s abortion choice. Not true. It began several years ago when the Senate took control of appointments and mad...
Editor, If you want to see the real facts concerning Renewable Energy, you need to watch this five minute video. Just do a search with the words “How Much Energy Will the World Need?” A few sites will come up with the link to watch this short video. This is the best explanation of our situatio...
Editor, Steve Stanley has my vote for County Commissioner. In the short time Steve has been in the commissioner’s office, he has worked diligently and successfully to improve the lives of all the citizens of Lake County. His work on the living conditions in our county jail has substantially improved...
Editor, The Polson City Commission has decided to proceed with consideration of extending the city water system to service a new casino near the airport with a suggestion that sewer service will also become available when requested. I have lived in Polson for 41 years with several decades serving as th...
Editor, Just because there is a law that tells us abortion is okay, there is God’s law that says it is morally wrong. It grieves our Lord when one of His babies is taken away. God has a destiny for that child. Why should there be any unwanted pregnancies? We have clinics everywhere giving out bir...
Editor, I am Tony Isbell, and I am running for Justice of the Peace here in Lake County. After graduating from Florence, I continued into college where I graduated from Dickinson State University with two Bachelor’s degrees, one in business administration and the other in human resource management. ...