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Consider the PSC

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I am voting for Joe Dooling for the Public Service Commission.

We don’t pay much attention to the Public Service Commission (PSC) race, but it will be on our ballet in June. 

Their website states “The PSC’s job to balance the interests of ratepayers who are concerned about utility rate increases, with the need to maintain a financially sound utility that is capable of providing reliable service. PSC generally regulates private, investor-owned natural gas, electric, telephone, water and private sewer companies doing business in Montana. In addition, the PSC regulates certain kinds of motor carriers, including garbage trucks and passenger motor carriers. The PSC also oversees rail and pipeline safety regulations in the state.”

For the most part it has very little to do with this valley and the Flathead because most utilities are rural cooperatives or tribal entities that are not regulated by the state PSC.

Why do I support Joe Dooling? Where Joe Dooling is from, the PSC does regulate their electrical utility. He has a degree in economics from MSU. He also has an engineering degree, and working in that field has given him the opportunity to observe how the energy industry works. He ranches near Helena and pays large utility bills, so he also understands how rate payers are impacted.

I reached out to a past PSC commissioner, and he felt Joe Dooling was the only candidate with the background and experience for the job.

The other candidates have no boots on the ground experience to do this job, which is why Joe Dooling has my vote.

Susan Lake



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