Valley Journal
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Birth Announcement

Letters to the Editor


Editor, I have been reading the responses to my abortion letter and must say it seems to be the major concern is control. Women were given all the control they needed the day the birth control pill went on the market. Now women could plan their lives as to when they wanted a child. There was no need for abortion laws because there would be no unwanted pregnancies. Of course you do have to take the pill.  And the argument that who will support the unwanted child is a complete cop out. There are people waiting in line and there is no excuse for it. Rape, incest and health issues for the woman are addressed in the law. I refuse to apologize or justify my Christian faith. Every...

Vote sensibly

Editor, “The Power and Honor of Good People.” We experienced this power and honor in the culmination of the Watergate scandal during the Nixon years. Will it culminate during Trump’s continuing ‘lust for power’ in present years? Nixon’s dishonesty and ‘lust ...

Raise awareness

Editor, There is an open-cut gravel mine and asphalt plant proposed in Arlee across the road from the Garden of 1000 Buddhas. This is near my home, and my neighbors and I have many concerns around the mine, including noise, dust, traffic, etc. But our water supply and quality is of the utmost concern. The...

Concern for energy

Editor, A Bitcoin Mining company is planning to build a new 50-megawatt data center in Polson and Energy Keepers (a CSKT corporation) is contracting to supply hydropower from the Salish-Kootenai Dam (formerly Kerr Dam). This huge operation will use 25% of the power that the dam generates, or the same amou...

PHS class says thanks

Editor, Polson High School graduating seniors want to sincerely thank the community members, local businesses, and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes for the donations this year allowing the parents to throw a celebratory gathering following graduation. The event was an alcohol-free and drug-free...


Editor, Pappy Maverick, it is said, said “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time.” Congratulations to Zinke for proving that true. Lest we not forget the other corollary “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me,” come the...

Defend the right to privacy

Editor, We in Montana are very fortunate to have a state constitution that protects, among other things, the Right to Privacy; the Right to a Clean and Healthful Environment; and the Right to Know (what our government is doing and how it functions). Ours is one of the least amended constitutions in the U....

Find a solution

Editor, It’s time for those of you who are responsible gun owners to help find a solution for the problem of mass shootings in this country. Instead of focusing on what we do or do not have the “right” to do, let’s focus on responsibility. Let’s focus on the “well-regul...

Think about the words

Editor, With all the talk about the 2nd amendment, you’d think there might be more about what the words actually mean. Do they mean one thing to legal scholars and another to most Americans? “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to ...

We can do something

Editor, The killings in this country continue. And in this country, we pride ourselves in our freedoms.  These freedoms can make it difficult for our nation’s control over malicious actions. Our freedoms do provide an avenue to those who have malicious tendencies to perpetrate horrible actions ...

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