Editor, I am proud of our public schools in Montana and deeply appreciate everything they do to support our children, especially during these difficult times. Now, our public schools need our support. The person we elect as Superintendent of Public Schools has a duty to advocate for the welfare of the public schools in our state. So far, incumbent Elsie Arntzen has failed to do that. A look at her voting record shows a failure to support bi-partisan legislation that helps our public schools. In addition, she has appeared at events in support of privatizing Montana’s public schools. While private schools also deserve to be advocated for, that is outside of the scope of the ...
Editor, We would urge the voters in Montana HD 12 to research the backgrounds of the two candidates on this year’s ballot. We have always chosen to vote for the person most qualified, regardless of party. We are urging you to choose Gerry Browning for our HD representative. We became acqua...
Editor, Imagine an America with gun confiscation, rampant violence on the streets and your right to self-defense deemed illegal. That is a real possibility in just a few short months. The Democrat party platform includes raising your taxes, destroying our energy industry with their insane O...
Editor, I encourage Lake County voters in HD 93 to re-elect Joe Read. While Read will represent the will of voters, he must do so within constitutional boundaries as his oath dictates. In the past legislative session, Read introduced several bills that would have reformed the criminal justice system th...
Editor, The coming election will determine what the next several decades will look like in Congress and in the courts. The Democrats have been talking about stacking the courts and creating new states for some time. The House of Representatives, under Nancy Pelosi, has already voted to make Washi...
For 28 years, we had the great honor of serving Montana as Superintendents of Public Instruction. In that time, we increased funding for Montana’s public schools, improved graduation rates and defended our public education system against those who would privatize it. Unfortunately, the current offic...
We enthusiastically support Gerry Browning’s candidacy for Montana House District 12. Some past local representatives were polarizing and seemed to use their elective offices as mere stepping stones to other offices. We are confident that Gerry will reach across party lines in the Legislature and will ...
Editor, In 2016 candidate for President, Donald Trump, used the slogan “Drain the Swamp.” It was assumed he was referring to the current Democratic administration. Our local Polson Super 1 supported the slogan by posting a sign stating “Drain the Swamp.” Well, it is now 2020 and ag...
Editor, I support law and order and oppose any defunding of police. I am tired of rioting and looting in the name of protest in mostly Democratic run cities. I believe raising personal and corporate taxes will have a negative effect on our economy. I believe that the Democratic party today does not ...
Editor, I encourage Lake County voters in HD 93 to re-elect Joe Read to represent them in the Montana legislature. If you value conservative values and the concept of constitutionally restrained and limited government so that individual rights of life, liberty and property are secure, Read will represe...