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Reasons to vote Republican

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I support law and order and oppose any defunding of police. I am tired of rioting and looting in the name of protest in mostly Democratic run cities. I believe raising personal and corporate taxes will have a negative effect on our economy. I believe that the Democratic party today does not represent the majority of Montana.

I oppose blanket amnesty for the 12-22 million illegals in our country today; I want secure borders and am for restricting access from countries that harbor terrorists. I want to keep my Second Amendment rights to keep and to bear arms.

I oppose the Green New Deal. I support the sanctity of human life at all stages. I oppose government control of all healthcare and the elimination of private options. I support Capitalism and oppose Socialism.

If you agree, please join us. Vote Republican for our future, the future of our children and grandchildren and the future of our republic.

Marlo Maddy 

President, and 

Dorothy Ashcraft

Vice President, Lake County Republican Women


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