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Enough already

Editor, It’s unbelievable that newspapers across Montana are singing the climate change mantra. Our state is the laughing stock of the nation after our courts allowed kids, backed, funded, and coached by a leftist law firm out of state, to sue the state with absolutely nothing but anecdotal evidence. If climate change was real, do you think President Soetoro would have bought a house on the beach? In 1975, Newsweek ran a piece on the coming ice age. World cooling was all the rage until it wasn’t. Enter Al Gore, born and raised with a golden spoon in his mouth. He has never had a real job and ushers in global warming. It worked for him; he became a billionaire, but a sin...

Retired judges endorse Dan Wilson for Supreme Court

Editor, As retired Montana judges, we join to endorse Judge Dan Wilson of Flathead County in his bid for election to the Montana Supreme Court. This year, Montanans will elect two new Justices to our state’s highest court. Chief Justice Mike McGrath and Associate Justice Dirk Sandefer have announced...

Is America sleepwalking into a dictatorship?

Editor, I believe John Steinbeck’s quote is prescient in 2024:  “I think because they trusted themselves and respected themselves as individuals, because  they knew beyond doubt that they were valuable and potentially moral units-because of this they could give God their own coura...

Words of comfort?

Editor, The grief of losing a loved one is enormous. Losing a child is an unbelievable grief. Losing a child from violence by another child is an unimaginable sorrow. People offer words of comfort, which may or may not help, but at least don’t normally cause grief to be worse. It’s why D...

Initiative-193 benefits few, costs many

Editor, Initiative-193 appears to be a do-over of HB 241, a bill that would have required the MT Fish & Wildlife Commission to allow hunting by non-tribal members on fee lands within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation. I-193 would grant a benefit to a limited number of landowners, at the...

May better aspects of human nature prevail

Editor, Today I was tuned into the Saturday morning MSNBC show “The Weekend.” In one segment they had Wes Moore on. Westley Oman Moore, born 1978, Governor of Maryland since 2023. He’s also an investment banker, author, and former television producer. He was so articulate and wise as ...

Women don’t want government controlling their bodies

Editor, Abortion has become a “hot topic” in our country these days. The Republicans who have been pushing this issue now wish it would go away. But it won’t, apparently. Abortion, also known as “Reproductive Health Care,” has captured the attention of women all over our nati...

Ending campaign for state senate

Editor,  Today I made the difficult decision to end my campaign to serve you in the Montana State Senate. It sounds cliche, but I’m doing it to for family reasons. I thought campaigning and serving in the Legislature would be easier now that my kids are out of diapers. But I recently returned f...

Neither party has good presidential candidate

 Editor, I can’t think of a better way to open a letter than was presented last week by the Ashcrafts. After all, if someone has also submitted a letter to the Missoulian....well what can you suspect. He/she must be “one of those.” Because the author identified a judge who retire...

Moving forward

Editor, On 11/11/2023 at 11 p.m. Dick Christopher died. On 12/15/2023 at 11 a.m. we laid my father to rest with military honors. We would like to truly thank our community and people who knew him, shared him with us and helped us through our loss. In the days following his death, we learned more of the...

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