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May better aspects of human nature prevail

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Today I was tuned into the Saturday morning MSNBC show “The Weekend.” In one segment they had Wes Moore on. Westley Oman Moore, born 1978, Governor of Maryland since 2023. He’s also an investment banker, author, and former television producer.

He was so articulate and wise as he spoke about the great “political divide” our nation is experiencing today. He referred to the present open and tragic human response within our political system’s presidential campaign. The “Trump Base” of believers are alive, active, openly combative, and a powerful threat to others and to our democracy.

He spoke about how we have never experienced this before in our presidential campaigning because all the candidates have been believers in our democratic system of government.

Donald Trump’s personal promoting of anger, fear, attack, and revenge have enlivened many. These most negative aspects of human nature are presently being actively demonstrated by many of “The Trump Base.”

As we navigate through this next year and beyond, we will surely be experiencing aspects of all this anger, fear, and attack. Hopefully things will settle down in our nation and the better aspects of human nature will be active and evident.

Bob McClellan


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