Neither party has good presidential candidate
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I can’t think of a better way to open a letter than was presented last week by the Ashcrafts. After all, if someone has also submitted a letter to the Missoulian....well what can you suspect. He/she must be “one of those.”
Because the author identified a judge who retired in 2012, any then tries to demean his time on the bench as improper because — 12 years later, following an armed attack on our governing body as well as a candidate for president in our next election identifying as positives the actions of Hitler, Russia, China and North Korea — with as you say, no evidence of such action.
However, even lacking any evidence for what you suggest is the case, I do find your comment mostly true about the apparent 44% of Republican voters who dismiss the comments by the 56% others. Not addressing the fact many independents and many of those dang Democrats also see and point out a similarity between, as you identify, Trump, Putin, Communist Russia (but I think you meant China). Perhaps that position is based on his personal statements, demeanor, and actions of the past — as well his televised promise, while talking to your press side, of taking retribution on day 1.
Personally I am not happy with either main party front runner, nor those currently running as independents or minor party candidates. And I also believe your take on our judiciary is excellent, but would like to see that occur at our Supreme Court for others to follow.
Richard Bell