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I just voted in the 2022 state primary, like many civic-minded Montanans. I was utterly dismayed to learn that my “write-in” section of the ballot doesn’t count.

I filled in all my choices on my ballot. When it came to the “write-in” section, I chose to write-in candidate, Don Bell. I assumed my vote would count toward his election.

However, I used a Democratic ballot upon which I “wrote-in” a Republican candidate.

I was informed by the Polson Election Office that my vote for Don Bell would be counted, but not applied to Don’s total tally.

Further, I was informed that I can’t “write-in” a Republican candidate on a Democratic ballot. 

Our state doesn’t even require us to register formally for Democrat, Republican, or Independent parties. So, based on that premise alone, how did a rule materialize to discount my “write-in” vote for a Republican nominee, just because I used a Democratic ballot?

“One man, one vote” seems to have no value in Montana. I think it’s time for a change.

Sheila McLaughlin-Bell


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