Letters to the Editor
Editor, I was thrilled to read the article on the 2023 Parliament of World Religions in your Sept. 6 issue. I was fortunate to attend this gathering in Chicago this year, as well as the 2018 Parliament in Toronto. The work being done year round, across the globe, by communities and by the leaders of world religions to address critical issues we face today is encouraging and meaningful. I come away from these gatherings inspired and hopeful. Our news outlets cover the disintegration of structures for the most part and rarely, if ever, the progress being made on the ground community by community to address these issues and create a new way of being together. I was reminded in some of the s...
Editor, Trump’s presidency and post-presidency’s personal motivations have opened and encouraged a most interesting example of “human nature in action.” He has attracted a “base of believers” harboring his same mental attitudes of anger, fear, attack, and blaming others...
Editor, OK, armed and ready, I sat down with a computer, a postcard and letter from Governor Gianforte and two letters from his Revenue Department on how to get a property tax rebate. Logged on to website and bonk – What’s a geocode? Frustrated, I set the paperwork aside. Days later, thought I...
Editor, Our nation’s media keeps discussing all the political chaos and problems while avoiding discussions on root causes and solutions. We endlessly hear our nation’s and world’s problems but no good solutions. Our present Republican party is dangerously divided. It is filled with f...
Editor, Once again, I am sorry to see our area senator, Greg Hertz, bashing the Democrats in the latest Valley Journal. Always negative Greg. How about something positive for a change? Your visions for the state’s citizens? Better health? Better education? Things that will last. Perhaps the Democrat...
Editor, Wow. Listening to our TV news coverage trying to make sense of our political situation today is getting downright boring and repetitive. I have a suggestion: let’s all just relax, and let Donald Trump be the Republican candidate for president. We now live with the presidential election...
Editor, The following is Mayo Clinic’s description of narcissism: “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this diso...
Editor, Who does one contact when the Federal government has not fulfilled their obligation? Amongst all the distraction with student loan forgiveness this past year, the folks who actually qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness, have been left in the dust; a stampede of distraction and nothing...
Editor, Tim parked his bike next to me at the Fourth of July parade, sharing the shade. “Great spot,” I remarked. He nodded. An hour later, after the runners, Paul Revere, George Washington, the floats, fire trucks and horses, I walked up to him. “Sir,” I began, “I want to...
Editor, Montana’s 1972 constitution guarantees its citizens a right to “a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations.” The 2023 trial of Held v. State of Montana, a lawsuit brought by 16 Montana youth, attempts to show how the state government’s l...