Fulfill obligations
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Who does one contact when the Federal government has not fulfilled their obligation? Amongst all the distraction with student loan forgiveness this past year, the folks who actually qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness, have been left in the dust; a stampede of distraction and nothing happening. As someone who has served my country through AmeriCorps and has worked in the non-profit sector for over 10 years and made 200 payments on my student loans, I’ve fulfilled my servitude and yet I’m still in bondage. I’ve made lump sum payments and only owe a modest amount. Now, the rest of my loans should be forgiven; I submitted my paperwork 1.5 years ago, received acknowledgement of its acceptance and since then nothing. I have followed up diligently every three months, been bounced around from robot to robot, barely spoken to a human. If they ignore me long enough, they suppose I might give up in frustration. This is wrong. This is me filing a complaint in the only way I have been offered.
Shay Farmer
St. Ignatius