Articles with the Tag: Mission
ST. IGNATIUS — Is it difficult for you or a loved one to trim toenails? Call “Nurse on the Go” at 406-253-5114 and schedule your 30-minute foot appointment. The cost is $25 a treatment to have your nails trimmed, callouses and corns buffed smooth. The nurse is licensed and insured. If yo...
ST. IGNATIUS — The Senior Center would like to thank Julie and Mack McConnell for the beautiful flowers that are in the planter barrels around the south and east of our building. SNAP-Ed is doing an “Eating Smart-Being Active” cooking class at the St. Ignatius Community Center starting F...
ST. IGNATIUS — Thanks to all that came to the Senior Center and played bingo on June 8. Do you know an elder that is struggling to pay for food? They may be eligible for Elder Commodities. Call 406-745-4462 for information. rIf you would like a take-out meal, call 406-745-4462 by 10 a.m. on Tuesdays...
ST. IGNATIUS — The aurora borealis was beautiful. We hope you were able to see it. The Women-4-Wellness event is on May 23 at SKC in the Joe McDonald gym. Registration at: This event offers many free screenings, information and give aways. If you would like a takeout meal, call 406-7...
ST. IGNATIUS — Did you know that just like fingerprints, everyone has unique tongue prints? Bingo will be played on Saturday, May 4, at 2 p.m. and there will be a special blackout prize. The Women-4-Wellness event is scheduled for May 23 at SKC in the Joe McDonald Gym. Registration is open....
ST. IGNATIUS — Spring rains are welcome, and it is so enjoyable to see the return of our spring birds. The next bingo game will be on April 13 at 2 p.m. Come, enjoy and possibility win the special blackout prize. If you would like a take-out meal, please call 406-745-4462 by 10 a.m. on Tuesday an...
ST. IGNATIUS — We are still in the need of a site manager and a housekeeper. If you are interested or know of someone who is, call 406-745-4462. We will have our next bingo event on March 9 at 2 p.m. There will be a special blackout prize. A bake sale and rummage sale is planned for May ...
ST. IGNATIUS — A special “Thank You” goes to all that came and played bingo on Saturday, Feb. 10. The blackout prize was a $100 this time. We will have our next bingo event on March 9 at 2 p.m. We are still looking for a site manager. Some of the job’s respon...
ST. IGNATIUS — There will be an increase in the cost of the meals by $1 in February due to the increased cost of food supplies, power, heat, and other supplies. If you would like a takeout meal, call 406-745-4462 by 10 a.m. on Tuesday and Friday and by 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Times of meal...
ST. IGNATIUS — There will be an increase in the cost of the meals by $1 in February due to the increased cost of food supplies, power, heat, and other supplies. If you would like a takeout meal, call 406-745-4462 by 10 a.m. on Tuesday and Friday and by 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Times of meal...