St. Ignatius for May 1, 2024
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ST. IGNATIUS — Did you know that just like fingerprints, everyone has unique tongue prints?
Bingo will be played on Saturday, May 4, at 2 p.m. and there will be a special blackout prize.
The Women-4-Wellness event is scheduled for May 23 at SKC in the Joe McDonald Gym. Registration is open. You can register by going to: This event offers all kinds of health screening and information. All are welcome.
AARP’s Safe Driving Course will be held on May 21, from 1-5 p.m. Call 406-745-4462 to be registered for the course. The cost is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members. This is a very good course to refresh your driving skills and knowledge of rules of the road. Discover proven driving methods to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road.
If you would like a takeout meal, call 406-745-4462 by 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays and by 2 p.m. on Wednesdays. Mealtimes are listed below. Menus for the month are available in the entryway of the center. Our Senior Center is available for rent. If you are interested, call 406-745-4462 and leave a message.
— Friday, May 3: noon - enchilada, Spanish rice, green salad, pineapple upside down cake
— Tuesday, May 7: noon - beef Stroganoff, peaches, green salad, garlic bread, brownies
— Friday, May 10: noon - chicken nuggets, tator-tots, humus dip/chips, cherries, birthday cake
— Tuesday, May 14: noon - sloppy Joes, French fries, bananas, salad, Tapioca pudding
We are accepting donations for our yard sale in May. If you have some nice clothes that you are wanting to share, check with your local nursing home to see if there is someone there that could use the clothing. Many clients do not have family close and need clothing items.
We will be having a show of “collections” in June. Call 406-745-4462 for more information.
Gently Yoga is held on Wednesdays from 1-2:15 p.m. If you are interested, call Bonnie Kiser at 406-253-0177. Her rates are five sessions for $60.