Articles with the Tag: Arlee

David Wolverton quickly sold out of tomatoes at the Jocko Valley Farmers Market outside of Hanging Art Gallery last week. “People get crafty,” he said of the early vegetable yield at the market. “I can get tomatoes coming early in the season and keep them producing clear into November.&r...
News from Killdeer Artisans’ Guild ARLEE — Karen Goulet will be the featured artist at the Killdeer Artisans’ Guild summer show presenting new works from Montana artists at Hangin Art Gallery and Café in on Highway 93 north in Arlee. The opening reception will be held Sat...
News from Mission Valley 3 on 3 MISSION VALLEY — Mission Valley 3 on 3 will again be hosting basketball events throughout the summer months. Registration for all events can be made online at, dropped off at the locations and dates listed with each event, or mailed to P.O. Box 9...

Merit, or good deeds, add up and carry over into the next life in Buddhist philosophy. Last Friday, the Buddhists at the Garden of One Thousand Buddhas earned much merit, according to the lama Tulku Sang-Ngag Rinpoche. To earn that merit, the Buddhists endured the cold morning rain as they prayed for an hour...
ARLEE – After a recent levy that would have updated technology in the Arlee School District failed, the board passed Superintendent George Linthicum’s recommendation to dig into the school’s budget and lease new technology. “The last two years we’ve been in survival mode,&rdq...
ARLEE — A hearty “thank you” goes out to the Lake County voters who passed the mill levy for the senior services program’s funding. Your support for these much needed programs is greatly appreciated by all senior citizens and their families. The Arlee Senior Center is looking...
LAKE COUNTY – Service providers said last week that programs for Lake County seniors will be better able to serve a growing population of elders after voters approved a mil levy. Stagnant and decreasing funding at the federal and state levels have plagued area senior centers and service provid...

ARLEE — Four-year-old Tyler Conover, son of Liz Biebinger and Jerry Conover, and younger brother Levi Conover, sustained serious injuries from an accident on Saturday, June 7. Tyler is currently in Seattle receiving excellent medical treatment. He is expected to remain in Seattle for several weeks whil...

ARLEE – Samantha Morigeau-Donaldson didn’t set out to become a doctor at such a young age, but after 21 years in school, she graduated with a doctorate in physical therapy at her last graduation ceremony in May from the University of Montana, four days after her 25th birthday. “I just ke...

ARLEE — When Christian Takes The Gun Parrish from the Crow reservation decided to combine his love of rap music with his ties to Native American dancing and singing, he never thought it would turn into a way of life. “I used to keep the two separate out of respect to the culture, but it became...