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Arlee district updates technology

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ARLEE – After a recent levy that would have updated technology in the Arlee School District failed, the board passed Superintendent George Linthicum’s recommendation to dig into the school’s budget and lease new technology.

“The last two years we’ve been in survival mode,” Linthicum said. “The elementary is stabilizing and the high school is in a slump. You think you should consider climbing out of the slump before you consider something like this. But then, how many students do you miss?”

The technology update includes 40-50 Chromebooks with a $14,000 lease for the first year. The computers use free Google software so no additional components are required. The elementary will receive iPads at a lease of $11,000. There are plans to run another levy to pay off the remaining balance of the lease.

It was noted that the laptop computers can be used for state testing, to develop technology skills and produce teacher-directed assignments. The faculty hopes that voters might be encouraged to pass the next levy after learning how much the students benefit from using the computers. 

Another measure to bring in technology was passed by the board. Two students asked the board to add video production as the subject for a new class next year with a $2,600 cost for new equipment. 

“We have to provide opportunities for our students,” Linthicum said. “The fact that kids had an interest in it, that was important to me.”

Art teacher Christine South asked the board to consider increasing the school’s art budget to $2,000 for next year.

“I struggled to get through the year,” she said of the $1,200 allotted to the art program. 

The Arlee School District hired girls basketball coach William Stockton as the new athletic director. His position includes organizing the schedule and attending sporting events. He plans to continue coaching girls basketball with help from staff members during the basketball season. 

The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the district office. 

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