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Postal service needs to be saved

Editor, This is a letter I wrote to Steve Daines: Senator Daines, with considerable dishonesty, President Trump is doing his best to destroy the United States Postal Service.  Clearly, there are two “reasons” for his attempts. First, he hates Jeff Bezos and knows killing the Postal Service will hurt Mr. Bezos’ business, Amazon. Second, he wants to eliminate the possibility of the “vote by mail” efforts, believing he’ll have more control over the election results and will win re-election in November. To say this is crass is putting it mildly. It’s really criminal, in my opinion.  Imagine for a moment, if you will, senator, a Montan...

Slices of Life

Last year, I had one of my best ever Mother’s Days. I had a new granddaughter to hold and love. All my kids, who are grown or nearly so were on hand to help celebrate. I give thanks for them nearly every day. I am lucky and blessed. (Not necessarily in that order.) Still it was a dichotomous day for...

Elect Scott Sales Secretary of State

Editor, During the last four legislative sessions, I have had the opportunity to work with and observe State Senator Scott Sales. During the 2019 session as Speaker of the House, I worked directly with Senate President Sales in coordinating legislation through the Montana Legislature.  President S...

Don’t poison the wasps

Editor, The wasps and hornets will soon be out in force, but please don’t poison them.  There’s a better and more responsible way to be rid of them. Birds and insects are in steep decline worldwide. It is an extremely critical situation. Go to your hardware store and get a couple wasp ...

Impressive response by women leaders

Editor, Many of you will have noticed the internet chatter reflecting on the impressive COVID-19 responses in countries lead by women. The nations of Finland (Samma Marin), Germany (Angela Merkel), New Zealand (Jacinda Ardern), Taiwan (Tsai Ing-wen), Iceland (Katrin Jakobsdottir), Norway (Erna Solberg) an...

Ready to vote for Dudik

Editor, I’m William Leaphart, retired Montana Supreme Court Justice, and I am writing today to support my former Montana Supreme Court Clerk Kimberly Dudik.  I know from my experience on the court that we need statewide leadership to make our state safer and healthier, especially in the offi...

Experience matters

  Editor,  I, like many of my peers, am worried as to what the post coronavirus world looks like. The only benefit I see to this is that we have the opportunity to vote for people who not only can lead us in a post coronavirus world but want to make Montana better. There is not a single ca...

Slices of Life

We are all social distancing. Hugs from a friend have been put on hold. Personal interaction is kept to a minimum. Masks have become fashion statements, gloves a necessity. We go out only when we are out of milk or eggs or toilet paper. We fear the touch of human contact. Well, not really but you get my drif...

Ben there, Done that

“They don’t make music like they used to”- ever heard this allegation from the older generation-indicating today’s music isn’t as good as years ago? I’m a fairly passionate fan of electronic music, a modern genre along with pop and rap. Numerous times I have encountered th...

Retain Barron as a county commissioner

Please vote Bill Barron for the Lake County commissioner position. Bill has been a strong fighter for all people right in Lake County as well as taking care of the taxpayers’ funds every day. Dick Wunderlich Big Arm

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