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Slices of Life

First, we all measured this situation by days and then by weeks and now the days string together and I’m not always sure if it is Tuesday or Wednesday. By now, we are seasoned pandemic participants. We know how to kill a month by staying inside and following the rules. Cross that one off the bucket list. As the days morph into weeks and the weeks possibly into months, I wonder: How are you doing? What are you doing to pass the time? How are you staying safe? Are you lonely or scared? Is your family wearing on you or are you finding you enjoy them more than you thought you would? For me, it’s the latter.  Sometimes, though, the days get long. There is only so much clea...

Valley Views

Coronavirus is not going to disappear anytime soon. There is no vaccine or cure. The primary goal of the current public health and safety measures have been to slow the spread of the virus so our healthcare system would not collapse. In Montana, we have succeeded. Since the beginning of this crisis, a mas...

Support shared for attorney general

Editor, Kimberly Dudik is the most impressive and qualified candidate to become our next attorney general. She is a proven leader and fighter for creating lasting change in Montana. She has had a remarkable career as a nurse, an attorney and a state representative. Nobody is more fitting to be our next at...

The power of words

Editor, Psychologists, anthropologists, philosophers, and others, have written billions of words about the influence of language. Even a single word can trigger a flood of mental images and conjure up directions for the mind to explore. Try this. Say (to yourself) just one of the following words (hunge...

Is it worth the trade-off?

Editor,  I am a 79-year-old great-grandmother, and I have been watching our country’s reaction to the coronavirus. Adolph Hitler couldn’t imagine how slick this country has been shut down. Will we be able to save our capitalist system? So many small businesses will not survive. Many famil...

Polson food pantry thanks community

Editor,  The volunteers at Polson Loaves and Fish Pantry are overwhelmed with the generosity of our community. Your cash donations have allowed us to purchase much needed food. Town Pump has granted us $12,000. St. Joseph’s hospital also gave us a grant of $5,000. Simply 406 (Country Pasta) ...

Ben there, Done that

In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, I have been pleasantly surprised by humanity. As more and more of the world goes into lockdown to try and flatten the curve in local areas, I have noticed some really amazing and hopeful things in our world.  In the busyness of everyday life, people in our...

Slices of Life

As of this writing, at least 251 million people in at least 30 states, 81 counties, 15 cities and one US territory are living the reality of a stay-at-home directive. A month ago, hardly any of us had contemplated the concept of a stay-at-home directive. I’d never even heard the term. Now, I’m li...

Medical doctor says stay at home, help slow COVID-19

The entire world is now grappling with a pandemic the likes of which has not been seen in over a century. COVID-19 has now come home to Montana, as was expected. It cannot be stopped, but we have a chance to slow its transmission and reduce the number of severe illnesses and deaths in our communities. Thi...

Public lands more precious than ever

Montanans are doing our part in this very difficult time to help each other out and curb the spread of the COVID 19 virus. We come together and look out for each other, as we always have in times of crisis, and in this case that means practicing social distancing to slow the spread of this disease.  ...

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