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Ben there, done tha

As someone who has the misfortune to suffer from environmental allergies, the late spring to early summer is not what I would refer to as my favorite time of year. Statistically speaking, there is a really good chance you can either directly relate to the sense of annoyance when pollen starts to fly or know someone who does. About 40 percent of people in the world suffer from some form of environmental allergy, ranging in severity from barely noticeable to life-threatening, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. It’s called AAAAI for short, and I think this might be my favorite acronym for an organization ever.  You may be surprised to learn that...

Slices of Life

It felt “normal” and it felt good. If even for a moment. We had individual videotaped graduations this week. Each 2020 gradate had his or her scheduled five minutes on stage – walking the walk and ending it with a signed diploma. It was a time to celebrate. I choked back tears – fo...

Events get canceled

Editor, Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation with its many restrictions and the serious economical impact that many of our sponsors in the business community have experienced, Polson Fairgrounds Inc. Board of Directors canceled our 30th annual fundraising event, “Cowboy Ball.” The ...

Police reform could include mental health services

Editor,        The term “police defunding” is a clever term to get the country’s attention. What it really means is the wisdom and necessity for looking squarely at “police reform.”  Take the issue of mental health for example. When a 911 call comes i...

An open challenge to Senator Steve Daines

Editor, As a resident of Montana and in particular, Lake County, I challenge you (Steve Daines) to come and visit with the residents and county commissioners prior to the upcoming election.  We’ve noticed your Congressional voting over the past three Congressional sessions has significantly ...

Slices of Life

Bald eagles are majestic creatures with wingspans to match (six-to-eight-feet). They are the national bird of the United States. Bald eagles used to be in short supply. In the late 20th century, they were on the brink of extinction in the contiguous United States. Populations recovered and the bald eagle was...

Election Office saluted for job well done

Editor, The Lake County Elections Office and their team of judges deserve our thanks for doing a difficult job. Here in Lake County, we can have full confidence in the integrity of our elections.     As has been my past experience, the Elections Office, under Katie Harding, once again did an ...

United States leader lost principles

Editor, Being inspired by Ted Koppel in his interview on “CBS Sunday Morning” on June 7, I took notes. I think these notes reflect things we should each reflect upon and be encouraged to publically share over and over.  President Donald Trump has changed the image of America. Over the ...

Slices of Life

I’m experiencing parenthood all over again – through my daughter. To be honest, it’s easier watching it than actually living it. For sure there’s less sleep deprivation and wet, sticky kisses. But seeing her go through all the things I did has given me various perspectives that I don&...

Sharing hope in the future

Editor, The upcoming election will be most interesting. Neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump is very popular with the younger people in the USA. But these young people are our hope for the future. Young people are not known as avid voters. Hopefully, a majority of these intelligent young people will vote th...

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