Valley Journal
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Research should be used

Editor,  I read, with interest, the report in the Valley Journal from May 5 about information from Senator Daines’ office, which indicated that he felt the Real ID law was no big deal. It was onerous to Montana families, and so on, and should be delayed. This when national security agencies have indicated that threats from domestic terrorism are real and of concern. Yet, many states are working to ramp up voter ID requirements when there is no evidence that there was voter fraud during the last election.  I contacted the election offices in 10 Montana counties to inquire about voter fraud in MT. One person in Lewis and Clark County was caught because a parent signed th...

People need to start healing

Editor, Our nation is in great peril. We brought this peril upon ourselves when we elected Donald Trump to the presidency. We elected Trump, and now, we are living with the consequences. The peril resides with the millions who are still following narcissistic Trump. Trump has a serious voting power-block ...

Valley Views for April 7, 2021

Fairness is not a partisan issue. Fairness is the goal of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act currently being considered in the United States Congress. The bill has bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. H.R. 1735 / S.673 is critically important to protecting t...

View from the library

Due to the reduced number of COVID-19 cases in Lake County, the Library Board of Trustees voted to suspend the mask policy. Masks are still recommended and will be required of staff and patrons on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9-10 a.m. Outside of these hours our doors are unlocked Mondays – Frida...

Women’s Club gives thanks

Editor,  Our hearts are full of gratitude to our community for supporting our rural community clubhouse and Safe House. Thank you for donating and attending our sale. Thank you to Donna Benson, Karen Wood, Karen Dellwo, Linda Galiardo, Gavin Manyheads and Anderson Broadcasting. Our community support ...

Valley Views for April 7, 2021

Last summer, the Polson Chamber of Commerce made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel the annual Fourth of July fireworks and parade events. This generated an outpouring of impassioned opinions that — regardless upon which side of the argument they fell — were all driven by the same fundam...

Slices of Life

My toes are always the first to come and the last to go.  As the seasons change, and the weather warms in the spring, I can’t wait to get rid of my real shoes in exchange for sandals. Weeks before the warm weather actually arrives, I polish my toes in anticipation of the big event.  The...

Only love conquers hate

Editor,  My spiritual teachings have taught me that each one of us, as human beings, has within us the power of God’s love available for access and action. When a situation presents itself to me where my immediate response is something negative like fear, anger or attack, it is my signal to cho...

Democratic Party plans to rebuild

Editor,  During this past legislative session, a group of enthusiastic Democratic women have written letters to the editor, guest columns, recorded radio spots and encouraged people to contact their legislators. We covered issues like voting rights, local government control, environmental issues, tax...

Why are law makers ignoring education

Editor,  The Montana Secretary of State says, “Montana sets the standard for elections across the country.” And evidence continues to show that our election system is secure. Claims of voter fraud have been proven false time and time again; yet, the Governor has signed into law four bills...

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