View from the library
May brings changes, progress to the library
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Due to the reduced number of COVID-19 cases in Lake County, the Library Board of Trustees voted to suspend the mask policy. Masks are still recommended and will be required of staff and patrons on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9-10 a.m. Outside of these hours our doors are unlocked Mondays – Fridays from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., so please come on in. You will notice that we are putting current issues of print magazines back on the shelves for reading in the library. Many print magazines have been canceled or are no longer being printed. Look for our multitude of digital magazine offerings in the Flipster app or website and on Montana Library2Go.
We are beginning to host in-person children’s programs again starting with Mother Goose on Mondays at 9:15 a.m. This interactive program is for babies and toddlers with their caregivers. This program takes place in the library meeting room. Social distancing will be practiced. You can still find our Story Time videos on our YouTube channel posted each Monday.
Our library partners with the Montana Legal Services Association to provide free legal services to Montanans. The library offers access to the Montana Self Help Law Center website for printing legal forms at no charge. You also can get access to virtual help with Court Help Connect to talk to trained court staff using a kiosk provided at the library.
Our annual Summer Reading Program returns June 14 with the theme “Tails & Tales.” This program is open to all ages from tadpoles to toads, puppies to dogs, and kids to goats – see what we did there – it’s all about animals this year. We have an amazing line-up of weekly presenters and will offer these programs in person at Sacajawea Park, just across the street from the library. Reading level incentives return this year and we have another great selection of prizes to give away at our ice-cream social on Aug. 12. Watch our website and social media for more information. We will be using the READSquared platform again this year for tracking your reading time.
Curbside pickup is available during open hours. Call 406-883-8225 or email: with questions or to request curbside pickup.