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Democratic Party plans to rebuild

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During this past legislative session, a group of enthusiastic Democratic women have written letters to the editor, guest columns, recorded radio spots and encouraged people to contact their legislators. We covered issues like voting rights, local government control, environmental issues, taxation, transgender and COVID relief bills. Our mission was to inform the public of the many bills that were being discussed and voted on in Helena. When people have accurate, truthful information, they can make better decisions.   

The Democratic Party is fighting for a better, fairer and brighter future for every American. By working together and speaking as one, we can move society forward, especially when we raise our voices for those among us with little money, influence or acceptance.

If you are interested in getting involved with the Democratic Party or just want to stay informed, check out our Facebook page, Lake County Montana Democrats. We will be updating this page and plan on a new website, Instagram and twitter account.   

The Lake County Democrats are alive and well. We are rolling up our sleeves and organizing everywhere to build back better.

Gerry Browning


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