Editor, Home run! The Port Polson Players hit it out of the park with their latest play, “Home Games.” About a father-daughter connection, it was both poignant and funny at the same time. Have you ever laughed and cried at the same time? Then you know how it feels to cross home plate. The acting was phenomenal, with real-life daughter Anna showing maturity beyond her years, and father Neal giving us a grumpy yet lovable version of a parent suffering (and enjoying) his dementia. Their relationship felt very real and sweet. We also hope to see Eric Donovan again in many more roles. Our thematic takeaways include family is forever; don’t let phony people mess w...
Our nation is polarized and angry unlike any time since the Civil War. It seems that we are shouting at each other in person and online. Nobody is listening to one another unless they agree with their opinion. Social media and the 24/7 news cycle magnifies this tension. How do we lower the volume, stop shout...
Editor, Last week in an advertisement you were told that contact numbers and details for filling an objection to the CSKT compact to the Montana Water Court will be given soon. You have a little over four months to do this. This is your first and last chance. Contact the website www.saveyourwaterrights.or...
Editor, This is our present three-party political system: Democratic, Republican, and what I term Trumpism. Trumpism was formed by Donald Trump’s presidency. It is ruled by fear, anger, and self-centeredness. Let’s call it FAS. These human tendencies are personal choices...
When it comes to thrill-seeking, I’ve always embraced being one of the wimpiest of the wimpy. Why ride a roller coaster when you can watch all the fun from the sidelines? Rhetorical question, to be sure. Let’s just say I’ve been at peace with being a sidelines gal. My family is the op...
Montana’s elk population has tripled over the last 40 years. For decades we have exceeded the sustainable objective levels in most hunting districts. FWP’s goal is 92,000 elk in Montana, but today there are an estimated 175,000. That excess elk population causes immense damage to family ranch ope...
Editor, There are strong moral and constitutional reasons to protect women’s right to choose. There are strong practical reasons, as well. If we do not support family planning and abortion when necessary: More women will die. They will die from non-medical abortions, and because our health care s...
Editor, Watching a famous sporting event the other day, I saw thousands of happy people lined up enthusiastically cheering the participants of the Tour de France. I hated to think of what might happen had this race been in the U.S. and the anxieties and fears such an event would evoke. I don’t reall...
Editor, I was sad to see how few people were attending the Port Polson Players’ performance of the ‘Home Games’ last night. To those who didn’t attend, you still have time to go this coming weekend- July 21- 24. The production was fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! It is a heartwarmi...
Packrat likes Prius. Wonderful engineering, mysterious passageways, fun, twisty-turns, tubing, wild sculpture unheeded expressions of unhinged art; must be a wonderful nesting opportunity somewhere in here, if she could only find it. And so she looks, she’s young, the world is hers for explori...