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Fulfill obligations

Editor,  Who does one contact when the Federal government has not fulfilled their obligation? Amongst all the distraction with student loan forgiveness this past year, the folks who actually qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness, have been left in the dust; a stampede of distraction and nothing happening. As someone who has served my country through AmeriCorps and has worked in the non-profit sector for over 10 years and made 200 payments on my student loans, I’ve fulfilled my servitude and yet I’m still in bondage. I’ve made lump sum payments and only owe a modest amount. Now, the rest of my loans should be forgiven; I submitted my paperwork 1.5 years ago, r...

Heal the divide

Editor, Tim parked his bike next to me at the Fourth of July parade, sharing the shade. “Great spot,” I remarked. He nodded. An hour later, after the runners, Paul Revere, George Washington, the floats, fire trucks and horses, I walked up to him. “Sir,” I began, “I want to...

Appreciate awareness

Editor, Montana’s 1972 constitution guarantees its citizens a right to “a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations.” The 2023 trial of Held v. State of Montana, a lawsuit brought by 16 Montana youth, attempts to show how the state government’s l...

FCC deregulation has negative impact

Editor, I strongly oppose the shutdown of landline phone service in Ronan and encourage our local leaders to look out for our vulnerable senior population and stand up to the big telecom companies. My father relies on his landline to communicate. Though cell phones and internet-based phone services hav...

Local businesses need your support

Editor and Ronan community members, As you’ve likely experienced first-hand, there are a lot of changes underway along Highway 93. The Ronan-North construction project is making progress, but many travelers are avoiding that stretch of highway by taking alternate routes. As a result, the businesses ...


Editor, Growing up in a grounded family, I learned a lot about common sense. My mother taught me moderation in all things. One brother taught me that a swinging pendulum always returns to a balanced center. My other brother taught me to love and respect ALL sentient beings and plants. My father taught me ...

Visit church

Editor,  The church of Christ of Lake County is the church Rich Coulson needs to investigate in Ronan. We have no convention, diocese, or conclave we must answer. The Bible alone is what establishes the doctrine we follow. The church of Christ is focused on community outreach with door-knocking campa...

We must do better

Editor, Last week my wife and I attended our grandchild’s kindergarden music program. The kids were so excited to see their families in the audience. The children were ready to  perform for us, it was so cute. You could tell they hung on every cue from the music teacher, striving to do their be...

Respond to Hertz

Editor, After reading this weeks’ ‘A word in Response’ by Sen. Hertz, it is so disrespectfully and blatantly presented it drew my ire. His says the current elected Republican supermajority is proof and evidence of what direction the citizens of Montana want our state to take. He ch...

Live together

Editor, With our present politics, our democratic system of government is in danger. Our Republican party is seriously divided. Trump’s autocratic leadership style and present campaigning has attracted many supporters and divided this political party. The Trump base is a notably large voting bloc. W...

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