Energy Keepers post online ‘Range of Forecast’ graphic, will update weekly
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News from Energy Keepers Inc
POLSON – Energy Keepers Inc began posting a new graphic online last week that shows the possible lake level ranges this summer. The Range of Forecast graphic will be updated every Monday afternoon through the spring and summer on the Energy Keepers website and Facebook page. The website is located at and a simple search on Facebook will bring up the Energy Keepers page.
“What will happen with lake levels is a question on the minds of everyone in the Flathead Lake Community. There’s an ample amount of incorrect information going around so in an effort to keep the public apprised of the ever-changing conditions we are posting what our forecasters see,” said Brian Lipscomb, CEO of Energy Keepers. “In one graphic, everyone will understand what the range of possibilities are for the lake as we move through the spring.”
Staff forecasters deal with large amounts of uncertainty and imperfect information tied to snowpack, temperatures, weather, snowpack density, streamflows and more. By seeing the ever-changing variables, it’s a way to better understand what it takes to operate a hydroelectric facility.
Energy Keepers, the owner and operator of Salish Ksanka Qlispe (SKQ) Dam, operates under a license issued by FERC, or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. As part of operations, SKQ regularly coordinates with the United States Army Corp of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation. The 2023 low-water year was a challenge for everyone in the Flathead Basin. To keep communications as clear as possible, Energy Keepers needs to correct some information that came from an entity that’s not involved with the project.
A statement recently appeared in a press release reprinted by the April 18 Valley Journal that quoted a non-profit C4 organization that made some incorrect claims. First, they claim “They [Energy Keepers] plan to limit the drawdown to ensure the Lake’s level is maintained at or near full pool for the summer.” This is incorrect.
In recent routine filings by Energy Keepers with FERC, it was stated that full pool will likely be reached by late June. Based on detailed reviews of snowpack levels, projected weather, and potential dry conditions again this year, the possibility of the lake levels sagging later in the summer is a possibility.
In addition, the non-profit organization claims to be “an intervener on behalf of Flathead Lake.” There is no proceeding at FERC for any entity to intervene in. This entity has filed complaints with FERC and FERC has investigated those complaints and responded to the appropriateness of EKI’s adherence to the license in its operations.
EKI is currently developing a Drought Management Plan, or DMP, which will, as the license requires, include provision for re-evaluation and adjustment of Flathead Lake flood control requirements and other provisions necessary to facilitate compliance with lower Flathead River minimum instream flow requirements designated by the Secretary of the Interior.
While Energy Keepers appreciates enthusiasts, all efforts will be made to ensure confusing untruths will be addressed to help keep everyone informed of actual conditions, challenges and operations.