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Letters to the Editor

Vote Rehard for Polson City Commission

Editor, I also noticed nobody filed to represent Ward 2 in the coming election and now see 2 candidates. I do not live in Ward 2 however I recognize the importance of the group working together for the good of the community as a whole. One man and one woman are candidates. One offers us his time of structured leadership and One offers her time of working with local community boards. The he hails from California, the she spent her childhood in Butte and was raised and worked in communities more similar to ours. His work was in structured militaristic organizations, oddly enough mine was strikingly similar. I left that 20 years ago, came here and am happy to be a part of the communit...

Thanks to St. Joseph’s Stuff the Truck and PHS

Editor, The Polson Loaves & Fish Pantry and all its volunteers, staff, and clients would like to thank St. Joseph Medical Center and Polson High School for their joint effort from the Pirate Football Game with STUFF THE TRUCK. St Joseph Medical Center paid for entry to the football game if people atte...

Vote for democracy, not autocracy

Editor, Hopefully our nation of voting citizens will decide against falling into a Trump style autocratic system of government and opt to retain our democratic system of government. As a nation, we are right now close to making that decision. For a democracy to work and operate well requires patience a...

Write-in Rehard for Ward 2

Editor, Lisa Rehard is a write-in candidate for the Ward 2 Polson City Commission. Ballots will be mailed to voters around Oct. 18. The city commission is a nonpartisan board. I am writing in support of Lisa for the Polson City Commission. She is a third generation Montanan. She and her husband, Mark Hubb...

Write in Rehard for Polson City Commission

Editor, Lisa Rehard is a write-in candidate for the Ward 2 Polson City Commission. Ballots will  be mailed to voters around Oct. 18. The city commission is a nonpartisan board.  I am writing in support of Lisa for the Polson City Commission. She is a third generation Montanan. She and her ...

Community costs should be carefully considered

Editor, I read with interest Carlene Vey’s letter about the proposed subdivision on the 130 acres owned by DNB Development out of California. I get the impression around here that there is not much oversight by the county planning department or our county commissioners who just see dollar signs and ...

People have power to save democracy

Editor, There is an empowering answer to what our nation is going through right now. It involves each of us. Our present political divide has caused our democracy to be in peril. We each have a role in healing this divide. Our democracy offers each of us the opportunity to contribute in some appropriat...

Respond to challenges with care

Editor, One year ago, I submitted a letter to the editor in which the first paragraph was this: “Our nation is presently going through a very present political crisis. This crisis is a clear example of the outworking of our human frailties. These frailties involve anger, attack, and blaming others f...

Read ‘Declaration of a Global Ethic’

Editor, I was thrilled to read the article on the 2023 Parliament of World Religions in your Sept. 6 issue. I was fortunate to attend this gathering in Chicago this year, as well as the 2018 Parliament in Toronto. The work being done year round, across the globe, by communities and by the leaders of world...

Be a light for peace, harmony

Editor, Trump’s presidency and post-presidency’s personal motivations have opened and encouraged a most interesting example of “human nature in action.” He has attracted a “base of believers” harboring his same mental attitudes of anger, fear, attack, and blaming others...

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