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Respond to challenges with care

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One year ago, I submitted a letter to the editor in which the first paragraph was this: “Our nation is presently going through a very present political crisis. This crisis is a clear example of the outworking of our human frailties. These frailties involve anger, attack, and blaming others for our own problems.”

Does this sound familiar? It went on to say that these frailties are clearly a part of the Trump character and behavior. We all know how his presidency enlivened these human frailties in others.

Beyond politics and beyond all our harsh judgments, let’s consider this: We each face life having to make choices on how we face challenges. We can face challenges with anger, attack, and blaming others for our problems or with positive thoughts and actions involving reason, sensibility, and taking personal responsibility for our own problems.

Life is like a classroom. We can either listen and follow classmates demonstrating anger, attack, and blaming others, or pay attention to our teacher and choose sensible reasoning and taking responsibility for our own problems. We each have this choice

Bob McClellan


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