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Selfish citizens responsible for harming others

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Montana; tops in COVID, bottom in vaccinations. What a record, mostly because people don’t want to be told what to do. Cost in lives and money because people don’t want to wear a mask or get a shot? Schools are opening and closing, not providing online learning. I have followed the story of a Ronan family who did not feel safe sending their children to school where masks are optional, home schooled for a while because there is no online learning, and finally paying to be out of district on line students through the Missoula school system. We now have a state sponsored monoclonal antibody clinic in Butte. We have called out the National Guard to help at hospitals. Cost? My nephew and wife had to juggle work schedules for a week when their daughter was exposed at school. They both lost about half a week of work but had no other options. Cost? 

Montana opened up to get kids back to school and support the economy, however nobody seemed to consider that businesses which did not require masks and social distancing lost potential customers. Businesses have shut down and reopened on several occasions because an employee has tested positive for COVID. If their workers had been masked and had their shots and if they required masks in their place of business they may not have had to shut down. Cost in lost business and salaries? We could be done with the worst of this if people cared. I conclude that in Montana we have a lot of self-centered people who are willing to hurt their communities because they don’t want to be inconvenienced. We have ignorant people who say they won’t get vaccinated because they don’t trust the vaccines, but they go to Murdoch’s and get horse wormer. It defies all reason. The people of Montana are the ones that have made the COVID situation what it is. Our citizens have chased off health workers. Our citizens have spread ignorant information about vaccines and horse wormer. Our misinformed, selfish citizens are responsible for the deaths of others.

Vicky MacLean



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