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Political fear mongering will erode Indian Education for All

In response to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s recently published opinion and the opinion of the Montana Attorney General regarding critical race theory, the undersigned members of the Montana Legislative Indian Caucus offer the following response.  In 1972, the Montana legislature overwhelmingly approved and endorsed the teaching of critical race theory within all of the state’s school districts. With the adoption of a Constitutional amendment outlined in Article 10 (1)(2), which was further codified into law in Montana Code Annotated MCA 20-1-501. MCA 20-1-501 recognizes the necessity to support Montana’s indigenous communities’ and ensure ...

Slices of Life

It’s been five months. Five long months, but there are still so many things to do. So many goodbyes left to say. Most of them are symbolic and silent, but they are goodbyes nonetheless. Between just him and me.  Everyone else has said their goodbyes in their own way. They were done long ago. I&...

Slices of Life

I wanted you, and I had you. It was beyond wonderful. But you had to leave and now I am alone. It was so comfortable between us. There was never any question of tomorrow. When I called, you answered. When you texted, I texted back. We never doubted one another’s loyalty. You were there for the birth...

White cross program continues to receive support

Numerous enough to notice, infrequent enough to startle at seeing, they stimulate reverence, sorrow, sympathy, curiosity and caution. They affect us all to one degree or another. They are the white crosses marking the sites of fatal traffic crashes along the highways of Montana. For over 68 years, these whit...

Valley Views for April 7, 2021

Fairness is not a partisan issue. Fairness is the goal of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act currently being considered in the United States Congress. The bill has bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. H.R. 1735 / S.673 is critically important to protecting t...

View from the library

Due to the reduced number of COVID-19 cases in Lake County, the Library Board of Trustees voted to suspend the mask policy. Masks are still recommended and will be required of staff and patrons on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9-10 a.m. Outside of these hours our doors are unlocked Mondays – Frida...

Valley Views for April 7, 2021

Last summer, the Polson Chamber of Commerce made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel the annual Fourth of July fireworks and parade events. This generated an outpouring of impassioned opinions that — regardless upon which side of the argument they fell — were all driven by the same fundam...

Slices of Life

My toes are always the first to come and the last to go.  As the seasons change, and the weather warms in the spring, I can’t wait to get rid of my real shoes in exchange for sandals. Weeks before the warm weather actually arrives, I polish my toes in anticipation of the big event.  The...

Slices of Life

It isn’t often we have the opportunity to change someone’s life in a significantly positive way – wrong. This opportunity is available to us on a daily basis, but the problem is that most of us don’t realize it, although realization isn’t necessary for doing. We can do good with...

Slices of Life

I’m still struggling, but I know I have to step forward on a path I wouldn’t have considered six months ago. Because it didn’t exist six months ago. People all around me are walking on the paths of their choosing. I feel like half the time I’m desperately searching for mine. The ot...

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