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Slices of Lifee

We all experience different seasons in life and those seasons are accompanied by emotions – joy and sadness and everything in between.  We aren’t always in control of how our seasons unfold. We may find ourselves in a season we never would have chosen. Sometimes life is hard.  But even in the toughest times, I believe it’s important – paramount even – to make a conscious choice to look for moments of joy. They may be fleeting at first. They may be so tiny they are hardly perceptible. But they are there if we look and allow ourselves to feel them. And these tiny moments, if acknowledged and cultivated, will grow over time until the tiny moment...

Legislature advances key infrastructure, conservation projects

In recent weeks, the Montana Legislature has advanced bills to support critical infrastructure and conservation projects across the state. Starting with House Bill 632, Republicans committed to investing the latest round of federal COVID relief dollars in infrastructure, telecommunications and economic stabi...

American Recovery Plan is good for Montanans

When we elect politicians, the hope is as they share information, they are giving us as much truth as possible. So, when Steve Daines was invited to reflect on the American Recovery Plan that just passed, also known as the COVID Stimulus Bill, it could be that he was just misinformed. So, we just wanted to s...

Slices of Life

This column continues the one from last week where Jill Pertler shares the heartache experienced after the sudden loss of her husband.    When someone you love dearly dies here on earth, they are gone. But they are not gone. They are here. They are everywhere. And if you perceive very caref...

Slices of Life

A few months ago I was attacked by something so powerful I didn’t know if I’d survive. My husband of 33 years died much too soon, much too young. I was left here, alone. The lone survivor, except this was no reality show. It was the real deal. And it sucked. Still does. I was left in the throe...

Legislature helps Montana’s special needs students rebound

I am honored to have worked with Governor Gianforte to introduce the Students with Special Needs Equal Opportunity Act (House Bill 329) this legislative session. House Bill 329 gives parents flexibility to support the unique educational needs of their child without increasing state spending. The House overwh...

Public shut out of wildlife decisions by Legislature, FWP

Montana hunters are being shut out of major decisions on future access to elk. The new approach in Helena, led by Speaker Wylie Galt and Fish, Wildlife and Parks Director Hank Worsech, is to spring legislation on us.   Making major wildlife management changes without public input benefits few and hur...

Republicans list legislative achievements during the first half of the session

During the first half of the 67th Montana Legislature, the Republican Majority logged important achievements, keeping the promises we made to our constituents.   We tackled the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing the first hybrid session in Montana history. This hybrid model...

View from the Library New Youth Services Librarian joins North Lake County Public Library

I am very pleased to announce that we have expanded our hours. We now have regular, year-round hours and have even added two extra hours each week from where we were pre-COVID. Our new hours are Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are reserving the hour of 9 a.m. to 10 a...

Kansas tax experiment of 2012 offers a cautionary tale for Montana

In 2012, Governor Sam Brownback convinced the Kansas Legislature to enact sweeping tax cut legislation. The plan was billed as a “shot of adrenaline to the heart of the Kansas economy.” As a Republican member of the Kansas House of Representatives at the time, I was intrigued by the proposal but ...

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