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Articles with the Tag: University of Montana

Briefs for Nov. 20, 2019

USDA issues second tranche of Market Facilitation Program  WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced the second tranche of 2019 Market Facilitation Program payments aimed at assisting farmers suffering from damage due to unjustified trade retaliation by for...

Resources developed to grow accessibility to HiSet

From the office of the Governor of Montana MONTANA – Governor Steve Bullock and Montana Commissioner of Higher Education Clayton Christian announced $350,000 to assist Montana Tribal Colleges in growing accessibility to the HiSet. “Students on tribal reservations deserve to have every opp...

Search for the next ‘Great Montana Read’ announced

News from the University of Montana news service MISSOULA – The search is beginning for the next Great Montana Read. This year, MontanaPBS and Montana Public Radio are asking readers to vote for their favorite book of nonfiction prose. Sarah Aronson, host of Montana Public Radio’s “...

Study reveals Montana media usage

News from UM News Service MONTANA – Montanans are increasing their news consumption and trust local news over national news sources, according to a new study by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana. Sponsored by the Greater Montana Foundation, the 2019 News ...

Beargrass and yucca: two signature Montana plants Beargrass and yucca: two signature Montana plants

News from the University of Montana  MONTANA – Two particular flowering plants are the toast of late spring and summer in Montana. In the mountain forests and openings of northwestern Montana, beargrass – the official flower of Glacier National Park – struts its stuff along roads ...

Flathead Lakers to hear report, present award

News from the Flathead Lakers YELLOW BAY — Flathead Lakers members and friends will gather to celebrate and learn about Flathead Lake and its watershed at the Flathead Lakers annual meeting on Thursday, July 11, at the Flathead Lake Biological Station. The public is welcome.  Robin Steinkr...

Local woman honored at UM graduation

MISSOULA – Cammie Lynn Pablo, formerly of Pablo, received her Associate of Arts degree in Communications Studies during the University of Montana spring commencement. Pablo’s degree was awarded Summa Cum Laude. The night before graduation Pablo received the President’s Outstanding Senior...

Ten Polson athletes sign to play college sports Ten Polson athletes sign to play college sports

 POLSON – In a ceremony held in the school’s library, ten Polson High School student athletes made their college commitments public by signing letters of intent Wednesday evening. Beatrix Frissell signed with the University of Montana for track and cross country. Frissell’s high sch...

UM Report: visitors spent $3.7B in Montana last year 

UM News Service   MISSOULA – Last year, 12.4 million out-of-state visitors contributed over $3.7 billion in travel spending to Montana’s economy, according to a recent report from the Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research at the University of Montana. The latest report finali...

University coach Hauck to golf at Ronan event

News from Mick Holien, Mission Mountain Golf Course RONAN — It is an annual affair of more than a couple of decades but that does not diminish the excitement of having University of Montana coaches visit the Mission Valley for a round of golf this month. UM head football coach Bobby Hauck, who ...

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