Articles with the Tag: Seniors
RONAN — Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. Any age is welcome to come enjoy our meals! You don’t have to be a Senior Citizen! We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu: — Wednesday, Oct....
News from DPHHS MONTANA — As Montana gears up to enter colder weather and another respiratory illness season, the Department of Public Health and Human Services is encouraging Montanans to take precautions to help protect against COVID-19, influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, and respiratory s...
ST. IGNATIUS - A big thank you to all that came and bought things at our yard and bake sale and to all that donated items for us to sell. We appreciate out community members. We have a “Nurse on the Go” that is coming to out center to help with toenails. She charges $25 a session and it ...
RONAN - Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. Any age is welcome to come enjoy our meals; you don’t have to be a senior citizen. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu is the following: - Wednesday, Oct....
POLSON - The Polson Senior Center’s annual membership campaign is underway. We are exceeding expectations and are looking at a record year again with $15 dues expiring August 2025. An Office Manager position is available. Involves basic data entry and bookkeeping, secretarial and management, s...
ST. IGNATIUS —Thank you to all that came and bought items at our yard and bake sale. On Oct. 12 bingo will be played at our St. Ignatius Senior Center at 2 p.m. with a special blackout prize. We are looking for a Site Manager to work 8 to 12 hours a week. If interested, call and leave a message.&...
RONAN — The Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. Any age person is welcome to come enjoy our meals and you don’t have to be a senior citizen. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu: • Wednesda...
POLSON — Memory Café by Angel Care will host activities for those in need of cognitive support on the first Tuesday of every month at the Polson Senior Center. For more details call 406-409-8149. Activities: • Oct. 17: Medicare drug plan review at noon - free information • Oct...
News from the Department of Public Health and Human Services BILLINGS – On Oct. 1, Montana centenarians were honored in Billings at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center during a special luncheon. “Each year, it’s an honor to celebrate our Montana centenarians for the inspi...
ST. IGNATIUS - A yard/bake sale will take place on Oct. 4 and 5 at the St. Ignatius Senior Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be cookies, breads, bars, and many more items for the bake sale and clothes, craft items, bedding, kitchenware, and many other items in the yard sale. On Oct. 12...