Articles with the Tag: Seniors
RONAN — The Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. Any age is welcome to come enjoy our meals and you don’t have to be a senior citizen.We are open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu: — Sept. 4:  ...
POLSON — Patriot Day is Sept. 11. If you love your country, and support its authority under law, and your country’s interests, then this is your day. That’s what it means to be patriotic. Not just this day, but every day. Vote. It’s the easiest and most patriotic thing you can do for ...
ST. IGNATIUS — We are looking for a site manager to work 8-12 hours a week. If interested, please call 406-745-4462 and leave message. If anyone has extra garden produce and don’t know what to with it call the St. Ignatius Senior Center in your area and share with the people, there. The ...
POLSON — Labor Day already? Tourist season will be extended for another thirty days. Stay tuned for further information. The annual membership meeting was held Friday. The Annual Report was given as well as elections of leadership positions in the Polson Senior Citizens, LLC. Copies of t...
RONAN — Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. Any age is welcome to come enjoy our meals. You don’t have to be a senior citizen. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu: — Wednesday, Aug. 28: t...
POLSON — The annual meeting of Polson Senior Citizens, Inc. will be held this Friday, at 11: 30 am. We will have elections and present the annual report for approval. Lunch will be served after the meeting is adjourned. I know that there always seems to be a “day” celebrating something o...
ST. IGNATIUS — If anyone has extra garden produce and don’t know what to with it, call the St. Ignatius Senior Center or the senior center in your area and share with the people there. The local Food Banks may need donations also. School will be starting soon. Be on the watch for children and ...
POLSON — I know that there always seems to be a “day” celebrating something or someone. Well, the official “Senior Citizens’ Day” is Aug. 21 of this year. Celebrate it by being kind to a senior citizen every day of the year. We’ll pass it on. Free Oral Healt...
ST. IGNATIUS — Advise from a Sunflower - know your roots and spread seeds of happiness. Saturday bingo was fun and enjoyed the snacks that were provided. Thank you to Ninepipes Lodge for the donation they sent us. We really appreciate your support. We still have an Area VI Agency on Agi...
RONAN — Mission Valley Senior Center is located across from St. Luke’s Hospital. Any age is welcome to come enjoy our meals. You don’t have to be a senior citizen. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for lunch and other activities. Our menu: — Aug. 14: burgers, ...