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Articles with the Tag: Moiese

Wild bison herd carving donated to National Bison Range Wild bison herd carving donated to National Bison Range

MOIESE – National Bison Range Project Leader Jeff King said he thought the recently donated piece of artwork was going to be just “a little carving” to display at the visitor’s center. The three-dimensional piece turned out to be almost eight feet long and about two feet high of ca...

Bison range management changes course Bison range management changes course

MOIESE – Decisions concerning management at the National Bison Range changed course last week around April 12. Legislation was drafted to allow the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes to manage the range, but U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke struck down the plan last week. Zinke said he to...

Local Back Country Horsemen host state convention Local Back Country Horsemen host state convention

Encouraging responsible horsemanship has been the goal of Back County Horsemen since the Montana group grew out of the Flathead chapter formed in 1973. A Mission Valley chapter was formed in 1980, and that group hosted the organization’s state convention last weekend at KwaTaq- Nuk Resort. More t...

Learn about volunteering at the National Bison Range

News from the National Bison Range MOIESE — Have you ever wanted to volunteer your time where you can be outside in a spectacular natural setting, while contributing to the preservation of your public lands? If so, come work alongside the staff at the National Bison Range Complex, assisting the U....

Home on the Range Home on the Range

  The Bison Range celebrated another successful round up this year with about 400 animals getting their annual check up. The National Bison Range can only support so many animals, so when the numbers go over what the habitat can support, the surplus animals are sold or donated with first considera...

Comment now on restoring Bison Range land to Tribes

News from the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes MOIESE — The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes today announces the formation of the Bison Range Working Group, a forum for conservation groups, non-governmental organizations, and citizens to provide comments on the Tribes' draft legis...

Public invited to Annual River Honoring

MOIESE — The 30th Annual River Honoring will begin Monday, May 9 at 4 p.m. with a community gathering. The public is invited and welcome to attend the opening of the River Honoring. The gathering will begin with native games and educational stations available for the community. At 6 p.m. there will be ...

College conducts project, gathers well water samples

News from Salish Kootenai College PABLO — Salish Kootenai College Life Science Program is conducting a research project testing well water on the Flathead reservation to promote drinking water safety and to benefit local communities.  There have been past reports showing traces of arsenic in...

Local author brings faith, family, Japanese history to readers Local author brings faith, family, Japanese history to readers

MISSION VALLEY — Each life matters, and the repercussions of our actions resound in ways we may never know or imagine. “A Christian in the Land of the Gods: Journey of Faith in Japan” tells the story of one man, his family, and how his choices in the late 1800s resound today, both close to ...

Bison not the only ones on the range Bison not the only ones on the range

  MOIESE – Although bison get most of the attention, many species exist together with help from wildlife management on the National Bison Range. Biologists have been busy studying those animals to find out how to help them thrive, and on Wednesday at the range, Bison Range biologist for the ...

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