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Articles with the Tag: Flathead River

Human skeletal remains discovered

News from Lake County Sheriff-Coroner Don Bell BUFFALO BRIDGE — On Tuesday, Feb. 4, at about 10:15 a.m., the Lake County Sheriff’s Office was notified that a Tribal Game Warden had located skeletonized human remains in the Buffalo Bridge area on the Flathead River. Sheriff/Coroner Don Bell r...

CSKT urge EPA to honor commitments to tribes

News from the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes FLATHEAD RESERVATION — The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes sent a letter to the U.S. EPA on Tuesday, Oct. 8, voicing significant concerns about EPA’s preferred remedy to address toxic waste at the Columbia Falls superfund site. EP...

Home Ranch Bottoms announces summer music events

News from Home Ranch Bottoms POLEBRIDGE — The Home Ranch Bottoms in Polebridge, announced summer season music events at their beer garden stage. They will be serving breakfast and have expanded camping options for 2024. Memorial Day weekend, Paul Lee Kupfer will take the beer garden stage for a fe...

Freezing plunge flows cash to Special Olympics athletes Freezing plunge flows cash to Special Olympics athletes

POLSON — Community members and law enforcement officers plunged into ice-cold waters last Saturday in an effort to raise funds for Special Olympics athletes. A signature Law Enforcement Torch Run® event, the cold-water plunge held at Riverside Park on Feb. 17 was attended by at least 50 people. ...

Shelly Fyant announces HD 91 candidacy Shelly Fyant announces HD 91 candidacy

ARLEE — Longtime community leader, Shelly Fyant, launches her campaign for House District 91 this week. The district includes urban and rural communities in Lake, Sanders and Missoula counties. Shelly has worked a lifetime supporting important community issues, from voting rights, environmental qual...

Flathead River closure rescinded

FLATHEAD RESERVATION — On Aug. 30, the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes along with Northern Rockies Team 1, rescinded the Flathead River closure at Perma Bridge. This request was for the safety of fishermen and recreationalists due to the River Road East Fire.   

Flathead River access downstream of Perma Bridge closed

News from CSKT Division of Fire FLATHEAD RIVER — The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes approved Northern Team 1’s request to close the Flathead River at Perma Bridge, effective Aug. 23. This request was for the safety of fishermen and recreationists due to the River Road East Fire. The...

What’s to blame for too little water in Flathead Lake: climate or mismanagement?  What’s to blame for too little water in Flathead Lake: climate or mismanagement? 

RONAN — The amount of water flowing into Flathead Lake peaked both lower and earlier than normal this year, frustrating those accustomed to the lake’s reliably clean, clear water for recreation, irrigation and power generation through the summer.  The dam-managed lake at the headwaters of...

CSKT welcomes comments on draft regulations

News from CSKT Natural Resource Dept. FLATHEAD RESERVA- TION — The Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes announce the availability of the March 1, 2024, to Feb. 28, 2025, Flathead Indian Reservation Joint Tribal/State Fishing and Bird Hunting and Recreation Regulations and proposed changes. Th...

Governor calls on Feds to declare drought disaster

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — On July 25 Governor Greg Gianforte called on U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to identify 11 counties, including several in northwest Montana, as primary natural disaster areas. The governor’s statewide drought disaster declaration...

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