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Articles with the Tag: Dixon


DIXON — February at last ... January is always soooo long. The snow is totally gone from my yard in the Banana Belt of Jocko Valley near Dixon. I know better than to think winter is over (we’ve had big snow in April), but it IS exciting to see pussy willows just starting to peek out from the stem...


DIXON – The long month of January is about over – don’t you wish this was the spring thaw? It’s been a comparatively easy winter — I haven’t had to be plowed out once yet.  It was nice to see our “eldest elder,” Allene Cole appear at lunch last week. Sh...

Finley re-appointed council chairman Finley re-appointed  council chairman

News from the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Tribal Council began the New Year by selecting officers to serve for the next two years. Standing Chairman Vernon Finley was selected to serve for another term as Chair. He had just completed a sp...


DIXON – It’s Christmas week, most of the parties have passed, Star Wars is on, and sales are everywhere! People are traveling, bells are ringing, people are being friendly....and we have a touch of snow for the Holidays. One of our local visual delights is the yard display just west of the Ravall...


DIXON — Please join us at the Dixon Senior Center on Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015, for our Christmas party. It will be after our noon Christmas dinner. You may join in the fun of exchanging gifts in a very fun way. Bring a wrapped gift, priced under $10, and marked for a man, woman, or either one. This has ...

Head Start celebrates 40 years Head Start celebrates 40 years

 Forty years ago Daren Incashola was a little guy playing with blocks during his time at a Head Start in St. Ignatius. He was 4 years old. He would grow up and send his two children to the child development program for children ages birth to 5. On Friday, Incashola helped celebrate Head Start’s...


DIXON — It’s 50+ degrees as I type this on Friday...near Dixon, which is known as the “banana belt” of these parts. I am tempted to pick the “last rose of autumn”— a deep red bud, which probably won’t last to bloom. Petunias are hanging in there, as well as a f...

Fun run calls in superheroes Fun run calls in superheroes

A cheetah was seen running across Mission Mountain Golf Course Sunday afternoon, but luckily Superman, Captain America and the Caped Crusader were on hand to give chase. It was all in good fun as children, families and schools came together to raise funding to enhance healthy outdoor activities at schools...

Tribal council soon to hold primary elections Tribal council soon to hold primary elections

PABLO –Twenty-six candidates are vying for five of the 10 seats on the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Council this year during the primary election set for Oct. 17. “The primary election will narrow down the candidates to two in each district unless the votes are really close,” ...


DIXON – We’re into autumn and the delights it can bring...the much more enjoyable weather (I grew up in the rain and drips of the Northwest), the trees are turning colors, most of the harvesting is done and now the apples abound. Don’t you love the predictability of the changes? The geese a...

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