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Articles with the Tag: Arlee

Buddhist retreat developers pursue separate zoning district Buddhist retreat developers pursue separate zoning district

LAKE COUNTY — On March 12 the Lake County Planning Board tentatively approved the creation of a separate zoning district to accommodate the construction of a Buddhist retreat center along the western border of Lake County. The board suggested amendments to the developer’s proposed regulations ...

Arlee hosts Little Guy Wrestling tournament

ARLEE – On March 15 Arlee hosted 284 little guy wrestlers ranging in ages from 6-12. The Little Guy meet included young athletes from Arlee, Polson, Ronan, Mission-Charlo, Evergreen, and Bigfork. Class divisions included boys and girls competing in 408 matches in one of three age classes. Age groups ru...

Arlee Senior Center site for Smart Driver class

     ARLEE — A Smart Driver Class (formerly known as “55 Alive”) will be held at the Arlee Senior Citizen’s Center on April 3, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  The fee for this class for AARP members is $15; the fee for non-members is $20. Montana mandates auto insurance dis...

Arlee schools out-shovel deep snow

ARLEE – The Arlee School District made it through the end of the season snow dump without missing a single day of school, although they were forced to schedule a late start.  “We didn’t miss any days,” said Elementary Principal Don Holst. “What our people did to get ever...

Register March 24 for Arlee hunter ed

ARLEE — Arlee Hunter Education registration will be held Monday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Arlee Fire Hall. The course is open to everyone, but anyone born after January 1,1985 must have successfully completed the course to purchase a hunting license in Montana. To complete the course, students a...

Arlee Warriors end season upbeat

HAMILTON – Though the Warriors have ended their season, there’s no head hanging to be found from this determined group of hardwood heroes.  The Warriors finished with a second place trophy at the 14-C District Tournament and then followed with a third place at Divisionals, which put the t...

Arlee path cooperative effort

News from the Arlee Community Development Corporation ARLEE — The Jocko Valley Trails Committee of the Arlee Community Development Corporation has announced construction of a pedestrian/bicyclist trail along Highway 93 from the Jocko Road intersection to the Coldwater Lane intersection will begin ea...

No business like snow business No business like snow business

With blizzard warnings calling for 25-50 mph winds and 100 percent chance of snow, travel on back roads was treacherous throughout Lake County Friday and through the weekend. Even a state snowplow was seen stuck near Pablo. “This was one of the worst storms I’ve seen in 14 years with the Sheri...

News from the Lake County Environmental Health Department

  POLSON —The Lake County Environmental Health Department will hold meetings regarding registration requirements for non-profit and temporary food events. The meeting will cover food safety and registration requirements for any food vendor participating in community events where food is offered...

Arlee Warriors rally for third Arlee Warriors rally for third

  BUTTE – The Warriors mounted a huge come-back after falling in their first game, grabbing three victories and taking third at the Western C Divisional Tournament in Butte.  In Thursday’s opener the Warriors took a 61-77 loss against Manhattan Christian. Warrior Josh Reed led bot...

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